
INSPIRASI BaKTI virtual “Berbagi Hasil Riset melalui Tulisan Populer

Hasil-hasil riset ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, penting untuk disampaikan kepada masyarakat luas dan pemangku kepentingan.

Namun seringkali hasil riset menggunakan format, gaya bahasa hingga kosakata ilmiah yang sulit dipahami pembaca awam. Agar hal tersebut dapat tersampaikan dengan baik, hasil riset perlu diolah menjadi tulisan populer dengan gaya bahasa yang mudah dipahami pembaca.

Pengembangan modal manusia adalah kunci masa depan Indonesia

Pengembangan modal manusia adalah kunci masa depan Indonesia

Pada tanggal 15 Juli 2019, dalam pidato pertamanya sejak terpilih kembali sebagai Presiden Republik Indonesia, Presiden Joko Widodo menyatakan prioritas program kerjanya secara jelas — “Kami ingin menempatkan prioritas kami pada pengembangan modal manusia. Pengembangan modal manusia adalah kunci untuk masa depan Indonesia.”

ANU Indonesia Project Research Travel Grant


The Indonesia Project Research Travel Grant will assist students who plan to undertake research or are currently undertaking research for which they will benefit from travel to Indonesia.
The grant will be awarded to outstanding applicants who can demonstrate that travelling to Indonesia will contribute to their research on Indonesia.


Birth Registration for Every Child by 2030: Are we on track?

Sejalan dengan SDGs, UNICEF berupaya memenuhi janji pencatatan kelahiran universal dan identitas hukum untuk setiap anak hingga tahun 2030. Satu dari empat anak di bawah usia 5 (166 juta), rata-rata, belum tercatat kelahirannya. Dan bahkan ketika mereka telah terdaftar, mereka mungkin belum memiliki bukti pencatatan kelahiran.

In accordance with the SDGs, UNICEF seeks to fulfil the promise of universal birth registration, and a legal identity for every child, by 2030. One in four children under age 5 (166 million), on average, are not registered. And even when they are, they may not have proof of registration. 

New Zealand - Head of Embassy Fund: Calling For Proposals 2019/2020 Round 2

The New Zealand Embassy in Jakarta is calling for proposals for the Head of Embassy Fund 2019/20 (Round 2). The Head of Embassy Fund supports small scale, short-term community projects that contribute to wider community well-being. Maximum funding available is NZ$25,000 for individual projects. The maximum duration of projects is 24 months. The deadline for proposals is 4.00 pm on 31 March 2020.

2020 Research Grants - Call for Proposals

The 2020 ANU Indonesia Project and The SMERU Research Institute Research Grants program is now open.

Application deadline: 31 March 2020

The Research Grants are designed to stimulate research cooperation between Indonesian and Australian research institutes.

We would like to invite research proposals of collaborative research projects in any of the main research themes of ANU Indonesia Project:

WiSci Girls STEAM Camp

Internationally, there is a strong gender imbalance in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The WiSci Camp aims to help bridge that gap through access to education, mentorship opportunities and leadership training.

When and where will the 2020 camps be held?
WiSci Morocco will be hosted July 15-28 in Ifrane, Morocco at the Al Akhawayn University!

WiSci Indonesia will be hosted August 16-29 in Pontianak, Indonesia at the American Corner at the Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak!

ASEAN – U.S. Science Prize for Women 2020

The United States Government through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) are collaborating to strengthen ASEAN science and technology capacity and gender equality and improvement through the annual ASEAN-U.S. Science Prize for Women. The 2020 Prize will provide promising, ASEAN-based, early- to mid-career female scientists with recognition awards from ASEAN and the US Government for their academic and professional achievements.
