
YSEALI Professional Fellow

The Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative (YSEALI) Professional Fellows Program is a professional development exchange program for the best and brightest community leaders from Southeast Asia who are working in the fields of civic engagement, NGO management, economic empowerment, governance, legislative process, and environmental sustainability. The YSEALI Professional Fellows Program provides participants with a month-long fellowship at a U.S.-based non-profits, government offices, or legislative bodies.

Aplikasi untuk Gelar Fulbright Master, Beasiswa Tingkat Doktor.

AMINEF sekarang menerima aplikasi untuk gelar Fulbright Master, beasiswa tingkat Doktor.

Formulir aplikasi, informasi rinci dan diperbarui tentang kelayakan, umum, dan persyaratan pengajuan tersedia di situs web AMINEF

Batas waktu aplikasi adalah 15 Februari 2020

PISA 2018

PISA is the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA measures 15-year-olds’ ability to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges

GNI Innovation Challenges

As a part of the Google News Initiative’s commitment to help journalism thrive in the digital age, we’ve launched GNI Innovation Challenges to support projects that drive digital innovation and develop new business models.

Panggilan proposal: Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Asia Tenggara

Pulitzer Center Membuka Dana Hibah Untuk Para Tenaga Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan di Asia Tenggara

Panggilan proposal: Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Asia Tenggara

Pulitzer Center mengundang para jurnalis yang mengerjakan proyek terkait dengan hutan hujan tropis untuk memasukkan proposal ke Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Asia Tenggara (Rainforest Journalism Fund - RJF). Ada dua tipe hibah yang tersedia:

Alumni Grant Scheme (AGS) 2020 Round 1

The AGS offers seed funding on a competitive basis for initiatives that create impact by putting your knowledge and skills to good use. The program provides up to AU$15,000, and up to 25 grants are available under the current AGS round. The AGS is open to all Indonesian nationals who have graduated from a recognised Australian tertiary institution, including those who are self-funded. It is also open to alumni of short-term studies or programs in Australia.

Call For Application INSPIRASI 2020

UnionAID dengan dukungan dari Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga Indonesia dan  New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), membuka aplikasi untuk Program INSPIRASI (Program Indonesia-Selandia Baru untuk Generasi Muda Inspiratif / Indonesia Young Leaders Programme). Para pemuda di wilayah NTB, NTT, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Sulawesi, Papua dan Papua Barat diundang untuk mengirimkan aplikasi dan mengikuti proses seleksi program belajar 6 bulan di Auckland, Selandia Baru pada bulan Juni 2020.

PDF icon Prospectus_Inspirasi 2020_final_.pdf923.46 KB

YSEALI Seeds For the Future 2020

YSEALI Seeds for the Future is a small grants competition for young leaders in Southeast Asia. The competition provides funding for the region’s most promising young leaders to carry out projects that improve their communities, countries, and the region. 

ALL applicant teams must include only citizens from one or more of the following nations:
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam
