Nusa Tenggara Timur

Save the Children Indonesia Vacancy : MEAL Officer (BISA PROJECT) - NTT

Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better. We've begun to build a national organization that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia. To this end, SC Indonesia has been designated as a Member. As Member, Indonesia has been identified as part of the next way of new member development, which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries.

Save the Children Indonesia Vacancy: BISA District Coordinator

BISA – Better Investment for Stunting Alleviation ¬– is an integrated nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programme in 2019-2023. The name ‘BISA’ reflects the broad context of nutrition in Indonesia: whilst the level of national and political commitment is high, and resources have been committed to addressing the high rates of stunting and undernutrition, the operationalisation and application of these plans and funds at sub national level is challenging.

Split-Site Master's Scholarship Program 2020 for Civil Servants in NTT

The Provincial Government of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) collaborates with the Australia Awards in Indonesia, University of Nusa Cendana and Griffith University to deliver the Split-Site Master’s Scholarship Program for Civil Servants in NTT, for the academic years of 2020-2022.

This scholarship program consists of 1 year of study at University of Nusa Cendana, Indonesia and 1 year of study at Griffith University, Australia. At the end of study, scholars will obtain two degrees, which are Magister Ilmu Lingkungan and Master of Environment.

Nutrition - Sensitive Agriculture Specialist

SurfAid International is a nonprofit organization working towards healthy and resilient communities in remote areas connected to us through surfing.

SurfAid will start the NUSATANI in Bima, NTB Province and Sumba Barat NTT. The Nutrition–Sensitive Agriculture is focusing on agriculture’s contribution for positive nutrition outcomes and increased benefits in economic and food security for the communities.SurfAid urgently needs a Nutrition – Sensitive Agriculture Specialist to support Nusatani program in NTT dan NTB.

Minimum Qualifications:

Ribuan Ibu Hamil dan Keluarganya Manfaatkan Rumah Tunggu Bersalin

Rumah Tunggu Ibu Hamil dan Keluarga di Mabar, NTT

LABUAN BAJO,—Sebanyak 2.200 ibu hamil dan keluarganya yang menunggu kelahiran di puskesmas di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur memakai Rumah Tunggu Bersalin. 

Fasilitas itu dibangun oleh Lembaga Badan Pertimbangan Kesehatan Daerah (BPKD) Kabupaten Manggarai Barat tanpa membebani APBD Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Manggarai Barat.
