Nusa Tenggara Timur

Calling for Proposal - Local Implementing Partner in West Sumba for SPONSORSHIP Program

Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik partner of Save the Children is seeking local implementing partner in West Sumba for SPONSORSHIP program which focus on developing quality education and health & nutrition for children.

Detail information please to visit our webiste : tender

Interested institutions could submit the proposal by June 22 2018 time : 17.00 WIB with subject Proposal Sponsorship - (name of institution) via email to : procurement.indonesia@savethec

Gizi buruk pada balita di NTT, mengapa sulit diakhiri?

Dua pekan lalu, Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Timur Frans Lebu Raya mengklaim bahwa angka gizi buruk di provinsi ini menurun sekitar 8,02% dari 3.340 anak usia di bawah lima tahun (balita) penderita gizi buruk pada 2015 menjadi 3.072 penderita pada 2016. Selain harus diperiksa lagi akurasi klaim tersebut, apa sebenarnya penyebab utama gizi buruk di provinsi kawasan timur Indonesia itu?

Apa itu gizi buruk dan gizi kurang

Empowered Women Improve Rural Livelihoods

Empowered Women Improve Rural Livelihoods
Blog post | Vania Desiyanti | March 21, 2018 |

Women’s Condition in Sumba

Approximately one hour east of Tambolaka airport, you can find the Renewable Energy Kiosk, Yofi Mayu Delo. Sitting down in front the kiosk, Mama Margaretha, a 44-year old mother of four, winces as she recalls her life journey.

“My parents, and especially my father, did not give his blessing when I got married. Because my husband was working as a mason, I think my dad thought that I would suffer”, she says.


Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik seek Basic Education Specialist based in West Sumba, NTT

Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik partner of Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better. We've begun to build a national organisation that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia namely Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik. To this end, Yayasan has been designated as a “Prospect Member of Save the Children” which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries. Currently Save the Children’s programs in Indonesia is implemented by Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik.

Six ferries prepared for holiday season in East Nusa Tenggara

The Kupang branch of state-owned ship operator PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelno) has prepared six ferries to accommodate the flow of passengers during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays in East Nusa Tenggara.

Six vessels were prepared to transport travelers during the holiday season, Kupang Pelni office head Ishak Gerald said. KM Umsini, KM Lambelu and KM Bukit Siguntang have a capacity of 2,000 people each, KM Sirimau and KM Awu have a capacity of 1,000 people and KM Wilis has a 500-person capacity.

Explore Nusa Tenggara’s beautiful landscape

The beaches that wrap around the Nusa Tenggara Islands are highly pristine landscapes featuring the original coral reef ecosystem still relatively undisturbed by the human population. Thanks to the beauty they possess, both West and East Nusa Tenggara are one of Indonesia’s most sought-after travel destinations.

If you are looking forward to visiting a new local tourist attraction this holiday season, you should consider going there, where you can enjoy these amazing places:

1. Rejuvenate yourself with beautiful views in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara

Indonesia Needs Investment to Achieve Salt Self-Sufficiency

The Indonesian Association of Salt Industries (AIPGI) urges the Indonesian government to encourage investment in the country's salt industry in order to reduce reliance on imports of salt from abroad. Indonesia consumes about 4.2 million tons of salt per year. However, domestic production can only reach up to 2 million tons, hence more than half of Indonesia's salt demand needs to be imported.
