
Feature Leaders Connect 2019

Applications close on Monday 6 May 2019, 23.59 UK time.

Find out all the information you need to know to apply to become a member of Future Leaders Connect – the global network of emerging policy leaders.
Applications are open for those aged 18-35 and live in one of the following countries: Canada, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Tunisia, UK and USA. Applications from Egypt and the USA are by invitation only.

Call for Papers: The 2nd International Conference on Global STS

The 2nd International Conference on Global STS (GlobalSTS 2.0) is a sequel to its first one held at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in March 2014. It was organized in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of NTU’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences. To follow up the success of the 2014 meeting, GlobalSTS 2.0 aims to extend the exchanges of scholarly works of STS researchers around the world that emphasize transnational dimensions of science, technology, and society.

Future Leaders Connect 2019

Applications close on Monday 6 May 2019, 23.59 UK time. 

Find out all the information you need to know to apply to become a member of Future Leaders Connect – the global network of emerging policy leaders.

Applications are open for those aged 18-35 and live in one of the following countries: Canada, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Tunisia, UK and USA. Applications from Egypt and the USA are by invitation only.

YSEALI Professional Fellows Program 2019


Beasiswa YSEALI Professional Fellows Program merupakan program pertukaran bagi pekerja profesional dari negara-negara ASEAN untuk mengikuti fellowship selama satu bulan di Amerika Serikat, yaitu di organisasi non-profit, kantor pemerintah, atau badan legislatif yang terdapat di Amerika.

National Young Inventors Award

National Young Inventors Award (NYIA) adalah ajang kompetisi bagi remaja dalam melakukan inovasi dan invensi di bidang teknologi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas, memberikan apresiasi dan menggali potensi remaja di bidang inovasi teknologi. Lomba tingkat nasional ini juga sebagai ajang untuk menjaring inventor remaja berpartisipasi pada kompetisi tingkat regional maupun internasional.

The 2019 Alumni Awards

The Australian Embassy in Jakarta recognises and honours Australian alumni of all ages who have gained unique distinction and made outstanding contributions to their profession, community and country through exemplary leadership, integrity, innovation and hard work.

Supported by the Australian Embassy, the 2019 Australian Alumni of the Year Awards is the most distinguished honours given to alumni who have demonstrated achievements at a local, national or international level.
