
StuNed - Master

StuNed - Master
Program Master diselenggarakan oleh institusi pendidikan tinggi di Belanda untuk jangka waktu pendidikan 12-24 bulan dan diakhiri dengan diperolehnya gelar Master dari Belanda yang diakreditasi oleh NVAO (Nederlands – Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie).

Deadline: 10 Maret 2019, untuk September 2019 intake

Persyaratan Umum

Warga Negara Indonesia 
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StuNed - Short Courses

StuNed - Short Courses
Program Short Course meliputi kursus-kursus spesialis bertaraf internasional dengan waktu penyelenggaraan 2 – 12 minggu dan diakhiri dengan pemberian sertifikat atau diploma dari institusi pendidikan tinggi Belanda. Short course diperuntukkan bagi para professional madya yang berkeinginan untuk memperbarui ilmu yang telah dimiliki sehingga dapat memberikan konstribusi yang lebih berdampak bagi institusi atau organisasi tempat ia bekerja.

Persyaratan Umum

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for Mid-Career Professionals

The Humphrey Fellowship Program provides mid-career professionals from designated countries, including Indonesia, with an opportunity to enhance their professional capabilities through participation in specialized, ten-month, non-degree programs developed specifically for small clusters of Humphrey Fellows at selected US universities. The Humphrey Program was initiated in 1978 to honor the memory and accomplishments of the late Senator and Vice President, Hubert H. Humphrey.

Fulbright Grants for Indonesian Lecturers – PhD

This grant is for three years’ study at a US university to pursue a doctoral degree in any field of study except medical sciences. It is open to applicants who serve as permanent faculty members of state or private universities in Indonesia. In certain cases, grantees can request an exceptional fourth year if a substantial argument for it can be made.

Eligible Fields of Study

Grants for Indonesian Lecturers – Visiting Scholar Program

This grant is for Indonesian scholars who hold a doctoral or equivalent degree and intend to carry out research for three to six months in the US.

Interested scholars must be permanent lecturers at an Indonesian university and hold a Nomor Induk Dosen Nasional, or NIDN.

General Requirements

The applicants should:

2019 Postdoctoral fellowship : Japan-ASEAN Platform for Transdisciplinary Studies


The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) at Kyoto University, Japan, invites applications for a two-year CSEAS Postdoctoral Fellowship under its program “Japan-ASEAN Platform for Transdisciplinary Studies.”

Southeast Asia, through its regional inter-governmental institution of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), has emerged as a hub for Asian community-building. The highly diverse societies in this region have undergone rapid social, economic, political and environmental changes.

Dibuka Pendaftaran Beasiswa STF UIN Jakarta Short Course Program “Studi Perdamaian di Bangkok” 2019

Mengawali tahun 2019, dengan bangga menginformasikan Social Trust Fund (STF) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta akan memberikan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa untuk mengikuti program studi perdamaian yang diadakan oleh International Institute of Peace and Development Studies (IIPDS), Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), dan Asian Resource Foundation (ARF) bertemakan “the 17th School of Peace Studies and Conflict Transformation Course” pada 14-25 Februari 2019 di Bangkok, Thailand.

Pembukaan Pendaftaran RISPRO LPDP 2019

Sesuai dengan salah satu misi strategis LPDP, program Riset Inovatif Produktif (RISPRO) kembali dibuka pada tahun 2019.

RISPRO merupakan program pendanaan untuk riset baik kompetitif maupun inisiatif yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan daya saing bangsa melalui komersialisasi produk/teknologi atau implementasi kebijakan/tata kelola atau publikasi.
