
W20 - Writing contest for students

W20 - Writing contest for students
The impact of corruption on the economic empowerment of women


why is the issue important?

Economic empowerment of women is a complex concept that covers many dimensions. A lot of factors contribute to this, such as productive resource, norms, behaviours and institutions. While the economic empowerment of women, through their own ventures or through their participation in organizations, has proven to be beneficial for business, there is still a long way until gender equality will be reached.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for Mid-Career Professionals

The Humphrey Fellowship Program provides mid-career professionals from designated countries, including Indonesia, with an opportunity to enhance their professional capabilities through participation in specialized, ten-month, non-degree programs developed specifically for small clusters of Humphrey Fellows at selected US universities. The Humphrey Program was initiated in 1978 to honor the memory and accomplishments of the late Senator and Vice President, Hubert H. Humphrey.

ANU Indonesia Project Research Travel Grant

ANU Indonesia Project Research Travel Grant

The Indonesia Project Research Travel Grant will assist students who plan to undertake research or are currently undertaking research for which they will benefit from travel to Indonesia.
The grant will be awarded to outstanding applicants who can demonstrate that travelling to Indonesia will contribute to their research on Indonesia.


ANU Indonesia Project Visiting Fellows Program

Guidelines for ANU Indonesia Project Visiting Fellows Program

The Australian Government has provided funds to the Indonesia Project (the Project) to assist Indonesian academics to visit Australia to undertake scholarly work. The aim is to promote research work that leads to publication. The program is primarily for Indonesian academics with a PhD or equivalent, for work in applied economics or related fields, on Indonesia or comparative work on East Asia. Recent recipients of a PhD degree are particularly encouraged to apply, while others are also welcome.

Call for Papers Pathways To Tackle Regional Disparities Across The Archipelago

Pathways To Tackle Regional Disparities Across The Archipelago

One of the priorities of President Joko Widodo’s Nawa Cita agenda is to ‘develop Indonesia from the margins’ by strengthening social, economic and human development in the country’s villages and regions. This has included efforts to accelerate development in the outermost and border regions to foster new centres for economic growth. Disadvantaged regions in eastern Indonesia have been a particular focus of efforts to reduce regional disparity.

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) kembali menyelenggarakan ajang penganugerahan LIPI Young Scientist Award (LYSA) 2018

Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) kembali menyelenggarakan ajang penganugerahan LIPI Young Scientist Award (LYSA) 2018.

LYSA merupakan salah satu bentuk apresiasi LIPI bagi peneliti - peneliti muda dengan usia di bawah 40 tahun, yang berprestasi dan konsisten dalam melakukan penelitian. Penganugerahan LYSA akan dilaksanakan pada ajang Indonesia Science Expo 2018

Beasiswa Unggulan 3T

Beasiswa Unggulan 3T merupakan beasiswa yang diperuntukan bagi siswa yang berasal dari daerah 3T sesuai dengan Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 131 Tahun 2015 Tentang Penetapan Daerah Tertinggal Tahun 2015-2019. (Daftar Daerah 3T).
Beasiswa Unggulan 3T dipergunakan untuk melanjutkan studi pada jenjang pendidikan Sarjana (S1), Magister (S2), dan/atau Doktor (S3) pada perguruan tinggi dengan akreditasi minimal B.


Beasiswa Unggulan Masyarakat Berprestasi

Beasiswa Unggulan Masyarakat Berprestasi merupakan beasiswa dalam negeri untuk jenjang S1, S2 dan S3. Beasiswa Unggulan Masyarakat Berprestasi dapat diikuti oleh calon mahasiswa yang sudah memiliki surat diterima di perguruan tinggi maupun mahasiswa yang sudah melangsungkan perkuliahan maksimal semester 2 pada saat mendaftar.

Beasiswa Unggulan Masyarakat Berprestasi, ditujukan kepada masyarakat berprestasi di segala bidang dan tidak diprioritaskan bagi dosen.
