
Short Term Awards Tuberculosis: Prevention and Eradication Cohort III

Tujuan Studi

Studi Singkat yang diajukan ini bertujuan untuk membekali para pemangku kepentingan dan pembuat kebijakan di Indonesia untuk mengendalikan dan menghentikan infeksi TB. Tujuan pembelajaran berikut ini diajukan sebagai hasil dari konsultasi dengan Kedutaan Besar Australia. Penyempurnaannya akan dilakukan setelah diskusi selanjutnya dengan instansi terkait.

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Applications Open for the Leadership for Senior Multi-faith Women Leaders Short Course

Australia Awards in Indonesia is inviting senior women leaders who work in multi-faith organisations in Indonesia to apply for a two-week short course in Australia in September 2018. The course aims to empower women to be key players in improving economic, social and cultural development in the organisations and the wider community, and in building global networks for future women leaders.

History of Medicine in South East Asia (HOMSEA) 2018

Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia akan menjadi tuan rumah untuk simposium History of Medicine in South East Asia (HOMSEA) 2018 yang berlangsung di Jakarta pada 27-30 Juni 2017. Kegiatan tersebut akan mempertemukan sejarawan dan para ahli di bidang kesehatan di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan diharapkan mempererat kerja sama di antara mereka.

Research Grant Program 2018

Main Topic
"Exploring New Values for Society"

Program Objectives

The main topic of Research Grant Program 2018, titled “Exploring New Values for Society”, supports ambitious projects that adopt a panoramic view of the world and look generations into the future in order to seek new values for society by fundamentally exploring novel philosophies and arts to address difficult issues to be faced by future society; issues that are on a global scale; issues that transcend generations; and nascent problems that will only fully manifest themselves in the future.

CSEAS Fellowship

CSEAS Fellowship
Since 1975, CSEAS has had an established visiting scholarship program to promote research activities in and on the region by distinguished scholars. To date, over 350 – many of them leading researchers in their respective fields- have availed themselves of the Center’s considerable scholarly resources to engage in path breaking, multidisciplinary research and develop comparative, historical, and global perspectives on Southeast Asia.

Pendaftaran untuk Program Research Student untuk keberangkatan tahun 2019

Kementerian Pendidikan, Budaya, Olahraga, Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (Monbukagakusho/MEXT) menawarkan beasiswa bagi yang ingin belajar di universitas pascasarjana di Jepang sebagai research students (mahasiswa peneliti).

Pelamar juga dapat langsung menempuh jenjang S2/S3 tanpa jalur research students terlebih dahulu apabila telah mendapatkan izin dari profesor pembimbing di universitas di Jepang.

Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program

Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program is a full scholarship program funded by the U.S. Department of State, awarded to Indonesian High School students, with an aim to bridge mutual understanding between countries with significant Muslim population and American people.  The YES Program was established in 2003, and has sent more than 1000 Indonesian students. Since 2009, American high school students also got the same opportunity.The YES Program gives opportunity to active and accomplished students, with significant achievements, both academic and non-academic.
