
The New Colombo Plan

What is the New Colombo Plan?
The New Colombo Plan is a signature initiative of the Australian Government which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates to study and undertake internships in the region.

It encourages a two-way flow of students between Australia and the rest of our region, complementing the thousands of students from the region coming to Australia to study each year.

The American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS) Fellowship

AIFIS is pleased to announce a new round of fellowship applications for 2018-2019. Awards are available for both Americans to work in Indonesia, and Indonesians to work in America. Applications are due on Friday August 17, 2018 at 11:59pm EST. Please see below for information on applying for the fellowships, or email the AIFIS office at

Postdoctoral Researchers’ Networking Tour 2018

Saat ini DAAD sedang membuka program yang sangat menarik yang bernama "Postdoctoral Researchers’ Networking Tour 2018“ dengan tema Artificial Intelligence Coming of Age – Research and Development in Germany September 23rd to 29th 2018. Tur ini menawarkan kunjungan lapangan ke universitas, lembaga penelitian, dan perusahaan di bidang artificial intelligence, diskusi dengan para ahli, dan banyak peluang yang dapat digunakan untuk memperluas jaringan. Biaya terkait program dan tunjangan perjalanan ditanggung oleh DAAD.

Short Terms Awards: Policies for the disengagement and rehabilitation of violent extremists

Studi singkat ‘kebijakan untuk disengagement dan rehabilitasi ekstrimis kekerasan’ bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan teknis tentang disengagement bagi mereka yang merumuskan, menganalisa dan mengimplementasikan kebijakan dan program yang secara efektif disengage dan merehabilitasi ekstrimis kekerasan dan mencegah radikalisasi.

Global Forest Watch Tech Fellowship

Global Forest Watch and the World Resources Institute are pleased to announce the first-ever GFW Tech Fellowship. The Fellowship will scale the impact of GFW (a platform that has reached over one million users from every country in the world) by creating a cadre of changemakers and forest champions working on the frontlines of combatting deforestation. The GFW Tech Fellowship will equip the most innovative and dedicated forest protection advocates around the world with the skills and cutting-edge technologies to help halt deforestation.

Beasiswa/Pelatihan India Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Civilian Training Programme 2018-2019

Pemerintah Republik India melalui Kedutaan Besarnya di Jakarta menyampaikan tawaran beasiswa/pelatihan ITEC Civilian Training Programme 2018-2019 melalui Kementerian Sekretariat Negara Republik Indonesia. Kuota untuk setiap penawaran program 2 (dua) orang calon peserta per kegiatan.

Adapun biaya sehubungan dengan keikutsertaan pada program tersebut antara lain tiket internasional, biaya pelatihan, akomodasi dan uang saku akan ditanggung oleh Pemerintah India.
