Sulawesi Utara

Australia Support to PNPM (Indonesia's National Program for Community Empowerment) Generasi

Australia's support helps the Indonesian government to manage the national scale-up and mainstreaming of the program by strengthening PNPM's management and monitoring systems.(i) TA for PNPM; (ii) M&E; (iii) local capacity development; (iv) PNPM Generasi; (v) access to finance

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Feb 2009 to Jun 2014

Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities

Aims to increase the number of low income rural and peri-urban communities accessing improved water and sanitation facilities and improving hygiene behaviours to help achieve the MDG target in water and sanitation. It will support water supply and public sanitation in 550 villages socialisation and awareness campaign, capacity building, local institutional strengthening and training.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Jul 2011 to Jun 2012

Eastern Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

The Eastern Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (EINRIP) is supporting major national road and bridge improvements which will promote economic and social development in eastern Indonesia. EINRIP supports 20 major road projects across nine provinces, totalling 395 km of national roads and 1300m of fabricated steel bridge structures. Works are scheduled for completion in December 2014.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Jan 2005 to Dec 2014

Australia Indonesia Basic Education Program

Improve access to better governed and quality basic education services This program supports Indonesia to give nine years of quality, basic education to all Indonesian girls and boys. It is targeted where needs are most pressing - at the Junior Secondary Level. About 2,000 new schools have been constructed and more than 130,000 children are already enrolled and attending these schools. These schools have been built by local communities, including villagers whose children will attend the schools.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Jan 2006 to Dec 2010

North Sulawesi probes illegal logging, forest conversion

North Sulawesi probes illegal
logging, forest conversion
Lita Aruperes, The Jakarta Post, Manado | Archipelago | Fri, April 10 2015, 6:50 AM

The North Sulawesi provincial administration has launched an investigation into illegal logging and forest conversion implicating officials and private individuals, including a German national.

North Sulawesi Forestry Office head Herry Rotinsulu said his office was looking into cases of forest destruction.

“We are currently looking at activities taking place in forests in 14 regencies and cities,” Rotinsulu explained.

Harga Cabai Rawit di Sangihe Selangit

Komoditas Harga Cabai Rawit di Sangihe Selangit MANADO, KOMPAS — Menjelang Natal dan Tahun Baru 2015, di sejumlah daerah di Sulawesi Utara, harga cabai rawit naik hingga mencapai Rp 200.000 per kilogram. Wakil Bupati Sangihe Jabes Gagana ketika dihubungi dari Manado, Selasa (16/12), mengatakan, harga cabai rawit di daerahnya mencapai Rp 200.000 per kilogram. Ia menduga harga cabai rawit dipermainkan oleh pedagang. Oleh karena itu, ia meminta Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara melakukan operasi pasar dan melakukan intervensi untuk mencegah permainan pedagang.
