Sulawesi Selatan

Sulawesi Capacity Development Project

The purpose of the Project is to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders for regional development in Sulawesi and to establish the mechanisms of collaboration among stakeholders. The stakeholders include: policy makers (bupati, head of BAPPEDA and SKPD, DPRD), planning officers (BAPPEDA and SKPD), and community facilitators (community people, NGO staff, extension workers).

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Sep 2007 to Sep 2012

Technical Cooperation Project for Enhancement of Urban Development Management in the Mamminasata Metropolitan Area in South Sulawesi Province

The purpose of the Project is to develope the system of urban development management in Mamminasata Metropolitan Area through 1) formulation of urban development management procedure in UPTD/MMDCB (Mamminasata Metropolitan Development Coordination Board), Province, Municipality and districts, 2) development of tools and training implementation system for urban development management, 3) development of coordination capacity of UPTD/MMDCB to formulate implementation frameworks/mechanism for the priority pr

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Mar 2009 to Mar 2012
Wilayah Kerja: 

Technical Cooperation Project for the Facilitation of Local Industry Development in South Sulawesi Province

The purpose of the Project is to establish industrial development system through strengthening the (existing) clusters which make use of resources in South Sulawesi Province through 1) impovement of the capacity of the Government of South Sulawesi Province to develop and improve the industrial development strategy, 2) strengthening training implementation system and 3) strengthening the system and strategy for enhancement of clusters through activities for improving existing clusters in South Sulawesi Pr

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Mar 2009 to Mar 2012
Wilayah Kerja: 

Technical Coperation Project for Improvement of District Health Management Capacity in South Sulawasi Phase 2

The purpose of the Project is to establish a mechanism of primary health care improvement in which community and government work together in line with the local governance system in the 3 target Kabupaten.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Nov 2010 to Mar 2014
Wilayah Kerja: 

Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Sector

The objective of the Project is to reduce income poverty and quality-of-life poverty in urban areas. The purpose of the Project is to put in place mechanisms for provision of affordable housing and serviced land for the poor.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Mar 2005 to Jan 2011

Nutrition Improvement through Community Empowerment

To reduce the prevalence of underweight in children under five years of age, and pregnant and lactating women through strengthening the capacity of central and local governments in improving the management of nutrition services.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Sep 2007 to Sep 2012

Madrasah Education Development Project

The Project is expected to contribute over the long term to increased levels of educational attainment among new entrants in the workforce, and increased rates of formal employment and household incomes. The medium-term outcome of the Project will be improved quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of madrasah education at primary, junior secondary, and senior secondary levels.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Jun 2007 to Sep 2012
Wilayah Kerja: 

AIP Emerging Infectious Disease

Supports Ministry of Agriculture to strengthen government veterinary services to enable the prevention, early detection and rapid response to emerging infectious disease. The program delivered through a government to government partnership between MoA and DAFF

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Sep 2010 to Jun 2014

Pandemic Influenza and Emerging Infectious Diseases Prevention and Preparedness

Develops Indonesia's capacity to manage avian influenza in targeted areas. The program is largely completed and is transitioning to a new human and animal health EID program (INJ509). Only one project continues until June 2012.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Jan 2006 to Jul 2012
