Canada Indonesia Private Sector Enterprise Development
CIPSED is a project funded by CIDA. To facilitate economic development and business growth, CIPSED delivers a variety of technical assistance and support to Small Medium Enterprise in Sulawesi.
CIPSED is a project funded by CIDA. To facilitate economic development and business growth, CIPSED delivers a variety of technical assistance and support to Small Medium Enterprise in Sulawesi.
The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice (‘AIPJ’) is a five year program funded by AusAID. The program works with key national law and justice institutions to transform high-level reform commitments into concrete improvements in accessibility and services.
The Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction (MAMPU) program aims to improve the lives of poor women in Indonesia.
Aims to increase the number of low income rural and peri-urban communities accessing improved water and sanitation facilities and improving hygiene behaviours to help achieve the MDG target in water and sanitation. It will support water supply and public sanitation in 550 villages socialisation and awareness campaign, capacity building, local institutional strengthening and training.
Water Supply and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Action Planning (WASPOLA) Facility is a continuation of WASPOLA I and II facilitated by Water and Sanitation Program – The World Bank and funded by Australian Government, started in 1998 to build a new paradigm in sustainable water supply and sanitation development.
The Eastern Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (EINRIP) is supporting major national road and bridge improvements which will promote economic and social development in eastern Indonesia. EINRIP supports 20 major road projects across nine provinces, totalling 395 km of national roads and 1300m of fabricated steel bridge structures. Works are scheduled for completion in December 2014.
Citizens and their organizations are empowered to engage with local governments on improving local development impacts in 16 districts in eastern Indonesia.
The Four objectives which define the desired outcomes of the Program during its lifetime are:
Improve access to better governed and quality basic education services This program supports Indonesia to give nine years of quality, basic education to all Indonesian girls and boys. It is targeted where needs are most pressing - at the Junior Secondary Level. About 2,000 new schools have been constructed and more than 130,000 children are already enrolled and attending these schools. These schools have been built by local communities, including villagers whose children will attend the schools.
BaKTI-UNICEF Bersama Pemerintah Kabupaten Bone Mengadakan Pelatihan TOPs , Program Olah Raga untuk Pembangunan.
Makassar, 23- 25 April 2015
MAKASSAR,UPEKS--Nilai ekspor Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel) periode Maret 2015 mengalami penurunan sebesar 32,91% jika dibandingkan nilai ekspor Februari 2015 yakni dari USD118,42 juta menjadi USD79,45 juta.Sedangkan, periode Januari-Maret 2015 total nilai ekspor Sulsel mencapai USD309,71 juta atau mengalami penurunan jika dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun 2014 sebesar 13,95%, atau dari USD359,92 juta menjadi USD309,71 juta.