
Open Recruitment : “Workshop on Human Rights Reporting”

Open Recruitment: “Workshop on Human Rights Reporting”

AliansiJurnalisIndependen (AJI) – Internews – Kedutaan Belanda

Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Indonesia, Internews dan Kedutaan Belanda mengundang jurnalis Indonesia, untuk mengikuti program “Workshop on Human Rights Reporting”. Sebanyak 25 orang jurnalis terpilih akan mendapatkan kesempatan mengikuti pelatihan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman jurnalis mengenai bagaimana meliput isu Hak Asasi Manusia dan memperhatikan hak kelompok minoritas.

Program apakah ini?

Applications Open for "the Role of Disabled People’s Organisations in the Implementation of Policy Reform" Short Term Award

Australia Awards in Indonesia invites existing/emerging leaders from Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) with experience in providing advocacy for policy implementation to apply for our two-week short course on Role of Disabled People’s Organisations in the Implementation of Policy Reform in Australia on 20 January – 31 January 2020.

The course focuses on strengthening participants’ capacity to engage and collaborate with a variety of different stakeholders such as the Government of Indonesia, NGO and private sector on disability policy and its implementation.

The John Darling Fellowship

The John Darling Fellowship is supported by the Monash Herb Feith Indonesian Engagement Centre and was offered for the first time in 2018. The fellowship is designed to provide an opportunity for emerging Australian documentary and ethnographic filmmakers to experience the vibrancy of contemporary Indonesian film, arts and cultural production, and to collaborate and exchange ideas with Indonesian film-making peers.

Dutch Coalition for Disability and Development and Liliane Foundation Seek Applications

Voice is loking for incredible organisations advocating for inclusion of people who face discrimination & marginalisation in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Indonesia & the Philippines for the Voices for Inclusion project. Interested? visit
