
Krisis Kesehatan, Pengetahuan Ekologis, dan Kebijakan Publik

Krisis Kesehatan, Pengetahuan Ekologis, dan Kebijakan Publik
oleh M. Fauzi Sukri * di 16 July 2020

Pada 2004, Profesor Jared M. Diamond memberikan kuliah umum (public lecture) atas undangan National Council for Science and the Environment, Amerika Serikat. Judul pidato yang dibawakannya sangat menarik bahkan penting dibaca saat ini: Lessons from Environmental Collapses of Past Societies (Pelajaran dari Keruntuhan-keruntuhan Masyarakat Masa Lalu).

Applications Open for the Public Financial Management for Better Policy Outcomes Short Term Award

Are you involved in public budgeting, or expenditure accountability/transparency in Indonesia? Apply for the Public Financial Management for Better Policy Outcomes Short Term Award.

The course aims to provide middle and senior level government officials and university representatives with an opportunity to benchmark and explore a range of public financial management practices that underpin policy-making in contemporary government practices.

Applications Open for the Infrastructure – Financing Structures, Instruments and Incentives Short Term Award

Do you work in the development and oversight of infrastructure projects in Indonesia? Apply for the Infrastructure – financing structures, instruments and incentives Short Term Award.

The course will take you to explore the range of considerations and options in meeting Indonesia’s infrastructure needs.

This is a fully funded scholarship. Tuition fee, airfare ticket, accommodation, local transport, visa, and insurance will be covered.

RFP Capacity Building Needs Assessment of Puskesmas & Posyandu Cadres in the selected province of Indonesia

Nutrition International (NI) is an Ottawa-based, international not-for-profit organization dedicated to ensuring that the world's most vulnerable especially women and children in developing countries get the vitamins and minerals they need to survive and thrive.

Call for Proposal: Coronavirus Response Support for Non-Profit Youth or Sports-based Initiatives

During the COVID-19 pandemic, community members are disproportionately affected by the virus and by the measures to contain it, including seniors, people with disabilities, people experiencing homelessness, women and girls, victims of domestic violence, sexual minorities, religion and/or ethnic minorities, and other people experiencing social or economic exclusion or inadequate access to basic services.

KKP ingin perbanyak teknologi keselamatan-kesejahteraan nelayan

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Edhy Prabowo ingin memperbanyak teknologi tinggi yang bisa menjamin keselamatan dan kesejahteraan nelayan sekaligus memastikan tangkapan mereka melimpah dan terserap maksimal pasar.

"Selama ini nelayan kita melaut belum ada jaminan keamanan yang pasti tentang bagaimana perolehan ikannya, bagaimana keamanan dia di laut. Ini PR kami yang akan segera kami laksanakan," kata Menteri Edhy Prabowo, Kamis.

Normal baru, peluang bagi UMKM "go digital"

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Salah satu hikmah yang dapat dipetik dari wabah coronavirus disease (COVID-19) adalah bahwa digitalisasi terbukti ikut menentukan ketahanan dan keberlangsungan roda ekonomi.Ketika pusat perbelanjaan dan pasar harus tutup akibat pandemi COVID-19, sektor ekonomi digital menentukan ketahanan ekonomi nasional.

Transaksi dan distribusi ekonomi tetap dapat dijalankan dari sektor ekonomi digital. Orang tidak perlu berjubel di simpul-simpul aktivitas ekonomi yang dapat memicu penularan COVID-19.
