Applications Open for "the Role of Disabled People’s Organisations in the Implementation of Policy Reform" Short Term Award
Australia Awards in Indonesia invites existing/emerging leaders from Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) with experience in providing advocacy for policy implementation to apply for our two-week short course on Role of Disabled People’s Organisations in the Implementation of Policy Reform in Australia on 20 January – 31 January 2020.
The course focuses on strengthening participants’ capacity to engage and collaborate with a variety of different stakeholders such as the Government of Indonesia, NGO and private sector on disability policy and its implementation.
Dutch Coalition for Disability and Development and Liliane Foundation Seek Applications
Voice is loking for incredible organisations advocating for inclusion of people who face discrimination & marginalisation in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Indonesia & the Philippines for the Voices for Inclusion project. Interested? visit
Empowering the Voiceless: Indonesia Empowerment Grant
Nama Hibah
Hibah Pemberdayaan - VOICE
Sumber dana VOICE
Inisiatif ini didanai Kementerian Luar Negeri Belanda dan dijalankan oleh konsorsium Hivos dan Oxfam Novib.
Apa yang mereka cari?
Tujuan mereka membuka pengajuan proposal dana hibah ini adalah untuk mendorong suara kelompok yang masih terpinggirkan dan kurang terwakili di Indonesia.
Hibah Toyota Foundation untuk ASEAN dan Asia Timur
Bulan ini Toyota Foundation kembali mengumumkan program hibah yang ditujukan ke sejumlah negara, yang meliputi ASEAN dan Asia Timur. Skemanya melalui International Grant Program 2019. Peserta dari Indonesia salah satu yang diberi kesempatan.
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Journalism Training Initiative - Call for Applications Reporting to Halt Deforestation
Eight journalists from around the world will get a unique chance to travel to Lima and the Peruvian Amazon to experience life in the rainforest, interact with commodity practitioners from all over the world, participate in technical sustainability workshops and dialogue, meet local community and indigenous leaders, access to UN and other experts and share skills as well as expertise with peers.
Call for Applications: Newton Prize 2019
The Newton Prize is a £1 million fund which recognises the excellent research and innovation the Newton Fund has invested in since its launch in 2014.
It celebrates the best partnerships between the UK and Newton countries, and encourages new international collaborations to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges.
2019 Newton Prize now open
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Research Grant Bank Indonesia
Research Grant is a funding scheme of Bank Indonesia allocated for strategic research, frontier research, and model development research conducted by external researchers
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National Young Inventors Award
National Young Inventors Award (NYIA) adalah ajang kompetisi bagi remaja dalam melakukan inovasi dan invensi di bidang teknologi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas, memberikan apresiasi dan menggali potensi remaja di bidang inovasi teknologi. Lomba tingkat nasional ini juga sebagai ajang untuk menjaring inventor remaja berpartisipasi pada kompetisi tingkat regional maupun internasional.
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The 2019 Alumni Awards
The Australian Embassy in Jakarta recognises and honours Australian alumni of all ages who have gained unique distinction and made outstanding contributions to their profession, community and country through exemplary leadership, integrity, innovation and hard work.
Supported by the Australian Embassy, the 2019 Australian Alumni of the Year Awards is the most distinguished honours given to alumni who have demonstrated achievements at a local, national or international level.
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