
Request for Expressions of Interest for Market Development Facilitators

The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP-PRISMA) program is seeking to select organizations that wish to fulfill
the role of market development facilitators. Grants will be provided to cover intervention design costs. Interested parties should be able to fulfill the following criteria:

Sistem Noken dan Demokrasi

Sistem Noken dan Demokrasi

Oleh: Neles Tebay

SISTEM noken digunakan dalam pemilihan presiden di 16 kabupaten yang terletak di Pegunungan Tengah, Papua. Sistem ini menjadi populer karena gugatan hasil pemilihan presiden di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Banyak orang bertanya, ”Apakah sistem noken dalam pemilu mencerminkan atau mencederai demokrasi?”

3 Situs di Papua berpotensi jadi warisan dunia

3 Situs di Papua berpotensi jadi warisan dunia – Min, 22 Jun 2014

MERDEKA.COM. Kepala Balai Arkeologi Jayapura Muhammad Irfan mengatakan ada tiga kawasan situs yang berpotensi menjadi warisan dunia di Provinsi Papua Barat. Hal itu kata Irfan sesuai hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh jajarannya..

Thousands flock to Lake Sentani Festival

Thousands flock to Lake Sentani Festival
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Archipelago | Thu, June 19 2014, 12:46 PM

Thousands of people mostly hailing from Jayapura and surrounding areas flocked to the Lake Sentani Festival during its opening ceremony on Thursday.

The opening of the seventh Lake Sentani Festival will feature various attractions such as a 100-meter-long tree bark painting, Isosolo dancing aboard boats, giant clay pottery and diving while smoking, said Hana Hikoyabi of the festival's organizing committee.

Sentani Festival sets MURI

Sentani Festival sets MURI
The Jakarta Post, Jayapura | Archipelago | Fri, June 20 2014, 7:47 AM

Sentani Lake Festival 2014 has registered two records with the Indonesia Museum of Records (MURI) for the longest, 100 meters, wood painting made by Agustinus Ongge and Martha Ohee and the biggest sempe (earthenware vessel for sago), which boasted a 1 meter diameter, crafted by Naftali Fele and Yonas Oyapo.
