Renewable Energy Development Sector
The Project will expand renewable energy use and thereby limit emission of greenhouse gases.
The Project will expand renewable energy use and thereby limit emission of greenhouse gases.
Aim: accelerate achievement of universal primary education in Papua and West Papua
This new program will support efforts in both provinces aimed at achieving universal primary education.
The proposed Indonesia Irrigation Sector Project (IISP the Project)
will result in increased agricultural productivity through improved
AIP-Rural main objective is to increase the productivity of 1 million Indonesian farmers by 30 per cent, by 2022.
The program will be implemented in twenty districts of five provinces in eastern Indonesia, they are: East Java, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, Papua and West Papua.
Ancaman HIV Begitu Dekat di Papua ...
Selasa, 5 Mei 2015 | 04:54 WIB - Jika mayoritas remaja di daerah lain hanya mengenal penyakit infeksi menular seksual dan HIV/AIDS sebagai pelajaran di sekolah, kebanyakan remaja Papua, termasuk di Pegunungan Tengah, menghadapinya sebagai tantangan hidup sehari-hari. Tingginya kasus HIV dan perilaku seks berisiko membuat ancaman HIV/AIDS di Papua begitu nyata.
Aims to increase the number of low income rural and peri-urban communities accessing improved water and sanitation facilities and improving hygiene behaviours to help achieve the MDG target in water and sanitation. It will support water supply and public sanitation in 550 villages socialisation and awareness campaign, capacity building, local institutional strengthening and training.
Aim: assist Indonesia to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV.
Activities aim to prevent and limit the spread of HIV, improve the quality of life of people living with the virus and alleviate its socio-economic impacts.
The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralisation (AIPD) supports the Government of Indonesia to improve the performance of provincial and local governments. More specifically, AIPD aims to improve public service provision in health, education and infrastructure.
Peneliti Unipa temukan spesies baru palem Numfor
Jumat, 17 April 2015 06:48 WIB
Pewarta: Muhsidin
Temuan spesies palem tim peneliti lingkungan Universitas Papua Manokwari akan menambah potensi kekayaan alam hutan Papua...
Biak (ANTARA News) - Tim peneliti pusat studi lingkungan hidup Universitas Papua (Unipa), Manokwari, Provinsi Papua Barat menemukan spesies baru tanaman palem (manjekia) khas pulau Numfor.