
Re-think, Improve, Disrupt! (Second Cycle)

Do you have an innovative idea to address the marginalisation and discrimination experienced by Voice target groups? Do you feel civil society needs to break from current practices and think differently? Do you have the ability to connect new ideas and approaches that can be leveraged to meet the challenges faced by your community? Are your approaches able to propel issues of excluded groups to the centre of political and social debates? Do you have an experimental mindset and willing to learn, improve and try to scale up disruptive approaches?

Participation, Transparency and Accountability in Village Law Implementation: Sentinel Villages Study Baseline Findings

Participation, Transparency and Accountability in Village Law Implementation: Sentinel Villages Study Baseline Findings

Author: SMERU Research Institute, Local Solutions to Poverty
Publish Year: 2018
Publisher: Local Solutions to Poverty, Jakarta
Language: English
Topic: Transparansi, Participation, Transparency, Community Participation, Partisipasi Masyarakat, Social Accountability, Akuntabilitas Sosial

Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 20 Tahun 2018

Author: Kementerian Dalam Negeri
Publish Year: 2018
Publisher: Local Solutions to Poverty World Bank Group, Jakarta
Language: Indonesia
Topic: Law, Regulation, Desa, Keuangan, Pengelolaan, Peraturan, Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Peraturan Menteri, Village Governance, Keuangan Desa, Village Finance, Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa

Penerimaan Proposal Bantuan Pemerintah (Banper) 2019

Dalam rangka menjalankan fungsi Deputi Infrastruktur yaitu pelaksanaan pemberian dukungan kepada semua pemangku kepentingan terkait pengembangan infrastruktur ekonomi kreatif, serta sesuai dengan Pidato Kenegaraan Presiden Republik Indonesia tanggal 16 Agustus 2018 pada Sidang Tahunan MPR RI “...Pembangunan infrastruktur... menumbuhkan sentra-sentra ekonomi baru yang mampu memberikan nilai tambah bagi daerah-daerah di seluruh penjuru tanah air.

Global Youth Summit 2019

Calling all passionate, enthusiastic, dedicated and proactive 18-23 year old social entrepreneurs, community organisers, activists, volunteers and campaigners who are working towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals – we want you! Share your work with us by applying to the summit and have a chance to be selected as a Global Changemaker and attend the fully funded Global Youth Summit 2019.
