
YSEALI Seeds For the Future 2020

YSEALI Seeds for the Future is a small grants competition for young leaders in Southeast Asia. The competition provides funding for the region’s most promising young leaders to carry out projects that improve their communities, countries, and the region. 

ALL applicant teams must include only citizens from one or more of the following nations:
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam

Lomba Menulis Esai Anak Muda dan HAM

Festival HAM merupakan bagian dari konferensi Kabupaten/Kota HAM yang diinisiasi oleh INFID dan diselenggarakan setiap tahun sejak 2014. Pada dasarnya, Festival HAM merupakan ajang bagi pemerintah daerah dan para pihak untuk menyebarluaskan serta berbagi pengalaman tentang penghormatan, perlindungan, dan pemenuhan Hak Asasi Manusia. Selain itu, Festival HAM juga merupakan ajang untuk menyebarluaskan gagasan Kabupaten/Kota HAM yang secara global sudah diterapkan di berbagai negara.

Applications Open for the “Social Protection Policy – Institutional Arrangements and Data Coordination” Short Term Award

Australia Awards in Indonesia is inviting policy makers from Indonesian institutions with relevant roles in managing social protection programs to apply for our two-week short course on Social Protection Policy – Institutional Arrangements and Data Coordination in Australia from 27 January – 7 February 2020.

Direct Aid Program for 2019 – 2020

The Direct Aid Program is a flexible small grants scheme funded by the Australian Government and administered by the Australian Consulate-General in Makassar. The Consulate-General is pleased to invite interested non-government organisations (NGOs), Yayasans and community groups to submit proposals that support sustainable community development the provinces of Sulawesi, Maluku/North Maluku, East / South Kalimantan, and West Papua. You can submit your application for funding under the Direct Aid Program 2019 – 2020, until 23 September 2019 , 9:00 (am) WITA.

Penelitian Doktoral di Pusat Riset Perubahan Iklim Universitas Indonesia (RCCC UI)

Pusat Riset Perubahan Iklim Universitas Indonesia (RCCC UI) sedang mencari 2 (dua) mahasiswa untuk penelitian doktoral. Riset tentang trade, development and the environment untuk perdagangan kelapa sawit/kopi dan satwa liar. Riset ini didanai Global Challenge Research Fund dari UK Research and Innovation (UKRI-GCRF) dan di tingkat global dipimpin oleh UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Center (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge UK. RCCC UI adalah anggota konsorsium ini.

Applications Open for the “Agriculture Policy – Promoting Competitiveness” Short Term Award

Australia Awards in Indonesia is inviting government officials, policy makers and private sector practitioners in agriculture industry to apply for our two-week short course on Agriculture Policy – Promoting Competitiveness in Australia in November 2019.
