Kalimantan Utara

INSPIRASI BaKTI virtual “Berbagi Hasil Riset melalui Tulisan Populer

Hasil-hasil riset ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, penting untuk disampaikan kepada masyarakat luas dan pemangku kepentingan.

Namun seringkali hasil riset menggunakan format, gaya bahasa hingga kosakata ilmiah yang sulit dipahami pembaca awam. Agar hal tersebut dapat tersampaikan dengan baik, hasil riset perlu diolah menjadi tulisan populer dengan gaya bahasa yang mudah dipahami pembaca.

Vacancy at INOVASI

The INOVASI Program is currently looking for several positions in our Offices in Tanjung Selor – Kalimantan Utara and Sumba – Nusa Tenggara Timur:

 For Kalimantan Utara, close on 16 July:

INOVASI- Various positions for North Kalimantan and Sumba

INOVASI is a four-year (with the possibility of an extension for another four), AUD 49 million program. It will collaborate closely with the GOI at the district, provincial and national level to develop and implement action-oriented research and pilots to answer the broad question: What works to improve student learning outcomes in Indonesia? It will focus on three sub-topics of investigation: the quality of teaching in the classroom, the quality of support for teachers, and learning for all.

National Program for Community Empowerment in Urban Areas

The overall objective is to ensure that the urban poor benefit from improved socio-economic and Local Governance Conditions.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Jun 2010 to Dec 2013
