
Digital Talent Scholarship 2018

Berikut ini pengumuman kesempatan beasiswa pelatihan intensif untuk 1000 orang untuk bidang-bidang yang dibutuhkan dalam transformasi digital Indonesia. Program ini dikembangkan untuk menjangkau 20.000 orang di tahun 2019.

Pendaftaran dibuka Senin, 17 September s/d 5 Oktober 2018 melalui website


Southeast Asia Partnership Grant

The Sydney Southeast Asia Centre’s grant scheme supports engagement through funding support for research, mobility and language study.
Applications for Round Two of the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre Grant Scheme 2018 are open until 5pm 21 September 2018.
All proposals will be reviewed on Wednesday 17 October 2018 and outcomes will be announced shortly thereafter.

Southeast Asia Partnership Grant

#CAUSINDY: A Platform for Australian and Indonesian Young Leaders to Create A Stronger Bilateral Relationship

Australia-Indonesia relations had begun since the 17th century, even before European settlement of Australia. Trading contact was established between indigenous communities in Northern Australia and Makassare traders for trepang, or a type of sea cucumber which was considered as a high-valued commodity. The bilateral relations have since emerged, growing, and formalised with Australia’s full recognition of the independence of Indonesia in 1949.

The call for papers for the 2019 Australasian Aid Conference (AAC)

The call for papers for the 2019 Australasian Aid Conference (AAC) is now open. The conference is multidisciplinary in nature, and examines topics related to aid and international development. We welcome abstracts from academics and practitioners on the following topics related to aid and international development:

AIS Forum Logo Design Contest

The purpose of the contest is to design a logo for the Archipelagic and Islands State Forum initiated by the Indonesian government through the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs with the support of UNDP Indonesia to raise marine issues in mitigating the impacts of climate change to a global level.


ADB Launches Youth Photo Contest in Run-up to Asia Water Forum 2018

MANILA, PHILIPPINES (14 August 2018) — The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has launched a photo competition to showcase how youth can contribute to improving water services, water resource management, and water security in Asia and the Pacific.

The youth photo competition is part of the upcoming Asia Water Forum (AWF) 2018, ADB's flagship event on the water sector, which is set for 2–4 October 2018 at ADB headquarters in Manila. The theme for this year's event is "Information, Innovation, and Technology."

Global Land Forum 2018

Indonesia has been granted the opportunity to host the Global Land Forum (GLF), which to be organized during 24-26 September 2018 in Bandung.

As one of the largest land forums in the world, GLF 2018 is expected to be opened by President Joko Widodo, and be attended by ministers from ILC member countries; Asia, Central Europe, Africa and Latin America, civil society organizations, UN agencies, government agencies, academics and community organizations.

The First Maluku International Conference on Marine Science and Technology

“Sustainable Development of Marine Resources“

Lack of research reports on marine potential in Maluku shows insufficient attention from the stake holders which has to be improved through a comprehensive, integrated and interdisciplinary research and collaboration involving all stake holders that necessary to build a robust database and development plan that can ensure the sustainability of marine resources in Maluku

The New Colombo Plan

What is the New Colombo Plan?
The New Colombo Plan is a signature initiative of the Australian Government which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates to study and undertake internships in the region.

It encourages a two-way flow of students between Australia and the rest of our region, complementing the thousands of students from the region coming to Australia to study each year.
