
Multilevel governance and land use in Chiapas and Yucatan

Multilevel governance arrangements face many challenges, not least sectorial cultures that promote (and perpetuate) particular visions of (and for) rural areas that are often incompatible. Different government ministries and commissions have different ‘ways of doing things’, rhythms and goals that do not always permit collaborations with other actors. As part of its Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (GCS-REDD+,, CIFOR initiated research on multilevel governance and REDD+ in Mexico in 2014 in a comparative project with four other

‘REDD+ countries’. This study looked critically at how landuse decisions are made and how these affect outcomes for diverse actors in two states in southern Mexico: Chiapas and Yucatan (see Map 1). It also examined the potential of new Low Emissions Development (LED) initiatives. In particular, it looked at questions of participation in decision-making processes and perceptions regarding the legitimacy and equity of these arrangements. The concept of multilevel governance is employed to analyze the degree of coordination between different levels and sectors for a common end. The study found many examples of efforts to improve multilevel governance around common problems, but also many obstacles and inertias that inhibited turning crosssector planning processes into practice.

ADB akan Bantu Lebih dari $1 Miliar bagi Sektor Energi Indonesia

MANILA, FILIPINA (14 September 2017) — Dewan Direktur Asian Development Bank (ADB) hari ini menyetujui dua pinjaman yang total bernilai hingga $1,1 miliar untuk memperkuat dan mendiversifikasi sektor energi Indonesia — sektor yang dipandang penting dalam mendorong pertumbuhan yang inklusif dan pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia. 

ADB akan Bantu Lebih dari $1 Miliar bagi Sektor Energi Indonesia

MANILA, FILIPINA (14 September 2017) — Dewan Direktur Asian Development Bank (ADB) hari ini menyetujui dua pinjaman yang total bernilai hingga $1,1 miliar untuk memperkuat dan mendiversifikasi sektor energi Indonesia — sektor yang dipandang penting dalam mendorong pertumbuhan yang inklusif dan pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia. 

Director - Indonesia Country Program

RECOFTC - The Center for People and Forests is currently seeking a Director for its Indonesia Country Program. The successful applicant will be based at Indonesia Country Program Office, located within the campus of Center for Forestry Education and Training (CFET) in Bogor, with frequent travel to country sites and in the region, mainly to the Center for People and Forests Regional Office in Bangkok. The contract period will be for 24 months with possibility of extension. This position is open to Indonesian candidates only.

Applications close: 1st October 2017


Beasiswa Research Grants Doctoral Programs DAAD 2017

Kepada Yth Bapak/ Ibu,

 Melalui E-Mail ini kami informasikan bahwa saat ini DAAD telah membuka registrasi Beasiswa Research Grants Doctoral Programs atau S3 hingga 15 Oktober 2017. Beasiswa ini untuk tahun keberangkatan 2018. 

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