Are you working in the social justice sector and passionate about youth participation and engagement in social justice issues? If you are keen to engage and empower youth to understand injustices in their environment and take action to respond to them, apply for the Australia Awards Short Course on Youth Participation in Social Justice Issues. The course aims to empower youth to influence social justice matters in a pluralistic society. The course will bring participants to meet with Australian Government agencies, INGO/CSOs, youth organisations working on social justice issues, individual...
Based on the Country Program Action Plan between the Government of Indonesia and UNICEF, UNICEF agrees to co-operate with BaKTI, jointly with UNICEF Makassar office, provide support to the provincial government in identifying and addressing deficits in knowledge, training or capacity towards improving key challenges to policy implementation at the district and sub-district levels and showcasing smart practices and lessons learned. UNICEF is supporting the Provincial government to meet the ODF target and accelerate the adoption of safely managed sanitation. The strategy of intervention is:• to...
Dalam pelaksanaan program dan kegiatan-kegiatannya, BaKTI bekerja sama dengan beberapa project, dan untuk memastikan bahwa penggunaan anggaran telah sesuai dengan aturan maupun perjanjian kerjasama dalam pelaksanaan project, dibutuhkan Independent Auditor (TOR dan Timeline Terlampir). Audit Yayasan ini untuk pelaporan periode Januari-Desember 2021. Surat Penyampaian Minat dan Proposal dapat dikirimkan kepada Yayasan BaKTI paling lambat tanggal 8 Juli 2022 melalui email
Apakah anda seorang pemimpin atau calon pemimpin dari Organisasi untuk Penyandang Disabilitas (OPD) atau lembaga pemerintah yang mengimplementasikan Undang-undang tentang Disabilitas? Daftar sekarang untuk Beasiswa Studi Singkat @AustraliaAwards tentang Peran Pemerintah dan OPD dalam Implementasi Reformasi Kebijakan untuk Pembangunan yang Inklusif. Studi singkat ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan dan kemampuan peserta dalam memahami proses pembuatan kebijakan, termasuk bagaimana mengembangkan regulasi dan praktik yang baik untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan dan program. Studi...
Yayasan Tifa berupaya mewujudkan masyarakat Indonesia yang terbuka dan berkhidmat pada nilai-nilai Kebhinekaan, Kesetaraan dan Keadilan. Salah satu strategi Yayasan Tifa adalah penguatan organisasi masyarakat sipil di tingkat nasional maupun lokal melalui skema dana hibah. Pada tahun 2022 ini Yayasan Tifa mengundang organisasi masyarakat sipil di Indonesia untuk mengajukan proposal terkait tema demokrasi, keadilan iklim, dan data digital. Informasi lebih lanjut
Do you want to explore how Disaster Risk Management (DRM) is mainstreamed into annual national and sub-national planning and budgeting (APBN and APBD)? Join the Australia Awards Short Course on Mainstreaming DRM into APBN and APBD! Applications are now open. The course provides participants with the opportunities to benchmark DRM mainstreaming into annual national and sub-national planning and budgeting in Australia and other countries in the Indo-Pacific region. The course also offers an opportunity for both countries to share lessons learned, exchange ideas and further strengthen...
Eligible Indonesian YSEALI members can apply for the Fall 2022 Academic Fellowship online from April 29th, 2022 at 09.00 WIB until June 2nd, 2022, at 09.00 WIB! The YSEALI Academic Fellowship is an intensive short-term academic program whose purpose is to provide groups of young leaders with a deeper understanding of the United States and a particular theme, while simultaneously enhancing their leadership skills.  The Fellowship will focus on one of three themes: Civic Engagement, Environmental Issues, and Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. The five-week programs...
Indika Foundation menggunakan jenis grant Fixed Amount Award (FAA). Implikasi dari penggunaan jenis grant FAA adalah: Indika Foundation tidak meminta laporan keuangan di akhir kerja sama Indika Foundation perlu memberikan approval atau persetujuan di awal terhadap rencana anggaran program. Rencana anggaran yang diajukan perlu mengikuti ketentuan administrasi dan format dari Indika Foundation. Unduh template pada: Download (unduh) template anggaran dan Download (unduh) template timeline Organisasi perlu memberikan...
Are you a civil servant interested in learning more about gender mainstreaming in government agencies? Australia Awards in Indonesia invites representatives of the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to apply for a two-week short course on Gender Mainstreaming in the Public Sector. The course aims to develop the capacity of government officials to effectively implement gender mainstreaming in policy analysis, planning, budgeting, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of government policies and programs in accordance with their respective duties, functions and authority. The course...
Do you want to contribute more to tourism management in Indonesia? Apply now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Sustainable Tourism Management. Applications are now open! The course explores sustainable tourism from environmental and cultural heritage perspectives and identifies investments needed to make tourism more sustainable. The course will also build links between Indonesian and Australian tourism professionals, identify ways to attract high-value tourism, and prioritise sustainable tourism post-COVID-19, including digital platforms. The course is targeted to tourism...
