Calling all Indonesian civil servants working at the Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik)! If you are into Economics and Public Policy, and would love to experience studying in both Australia and Indonesia, this is a terrific opportunity for you! Apply now for the Split-Site Master's Scholarship Program, delivered to you by the Central Bureau of Statistics, in collaboration with Australia Awards in Indonesia, Airlangga University, and the University of Western Australia, for the academic year of 2022-2024. This scholarship program consists of 1 year of study at...
Are you keen to learn how to identify and develop policies, regulations and guidelines that increase women’s participation and promotion to leadership roles in the security sector? Apply now for “Women in Leadership in the Security Sector” Short Term Award, delivered to you by Australia Awards in Indonesia. The course participants will gain skills and knowledge to increase women’s participation and leadership by benchmarking policies and sharing lessons learned and best practices between Australian and Indonesian agencies. This online course is fully funded and offered for up to 30 ...
Are you an Indonesian civil servant working in the social sector and interested in pursuing higher education in both Australia and Indonesia? Apply now for the Split-Site Master's Scholarship Program for civil servants working in the social sector, delivered to you by The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) in collaboration with Australia Awards in Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, and The University of Melbourne, for the academic year of 2022-2024. This scholarship program consists of 1 year of study at Gadjah Mada University,...
Are you an Indonesian civil servant working in the tourism sector and interested in pursuing higher education in both Australia and Indonesia? Apply now for the Split-Site Master's Scholarship Program for civil servants working in the tourism sector, delivered to you by The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) in collaboration with Australia Awards in Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, and Monash University, for the academic year of 2022-2024. This scholarship program consists of 1 year of study at Bandung Institute of...
Are you an Indonesian civil servant working in the health sector and interested in pursuing higher education in both Australia and Indonesia? Appy now for the Split-Site Master's Scholarship Program for civil servants working in the health sector, delivered to you by The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) in collaboration with Australia Awards in Indonesia, Airlangga University, and Griffith University, for the academic year of 2022-2024. This scholarship program consists of 1 year of study at Airlangga University, Indonesia, and 1...
he Australia-Indonesia Institute 2021 Grants Round aims to support continuity in people-to-people and institutional engagement between Australia and Indonesia during and following the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, when restrictions on travel and social distancing will limit opportunities for face-to-face engagement and inward and outbound visits. The grant round enables opportunities through online and other activities or forms of engagement that help bring people together through virtual means and build cross-cultural linkages, but do not require travel and are consistent with...
JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) is a health care consulting and research organization dedicated to improving the health of individuals and communities in the U.S. and around the world. JSI leads the Building Healthy Cities project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project embeds a health equity focus into city policies, planning, and services while improving data flow for existing Smart Cities in four countries, including in Makassar, Indonesia. Health and Smart Cities planning are related; decisions about environment, sanitation...
BaKTI mendapatkan hibah dari KOMPAK untuk Project LANDASAN Tahap II yang  merupakan proyek andalan dalam dukungan untuk memperbaiki akses secara keseluruhan terhadap mutu penyelenggaraan pelayanan lokal. Proyek LANDASAN merupakan sebuah kerangka kerja pelayanan dasar yang sangat kompleks, bekerja di lintas beberapa sektor dan tingkat-tingkat pemerintahan yang berbeda-beda.  Target utama untuk dukungan adalah unit-unit pelayanan di lini terdepan dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan dan identitas hukum, selain terhadap desa-desa itu sendiri yang berkenaan dengan pembangunan...
BaKTI mendapatkan hibah dari KOMPAK untuk Project LANDASAN Tahap II yang  merupakan proyek andalan dalam dukungan untuk memperbaiki akses secara keseluruhan terhadap mutu penyelenggaraan pelayanan lokal. Proyek LANDASAN merupakan sebuah kerangka kerja pelayanan dasar yang sangat kompleks, bekerja di lintas beberapa sektor dan tingkat-tingkat pemerintahan yang berbeda-beda.  Target utama untuk dukungan adalah unit-unit pelayanan di lini terdepan dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan dan identitas hukum, selain terhadap desa-desa itu sendiri yang berkenaan dengan pembangunan...
Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments (RISE) is deploying a novel, water-sensitive revitalisation approach to water and sanitation management in 24 informal settlements across Makassar, Indonesia and Suva, Fiji. Working with communities, governments, local leaders and partner institutions, RISE is co-designing location-specific solutions that integrate green infrastructure, such as constructed wetlands, to strengthen the whole-of-life water and sanitation cycle. Underpinned by the emerging discipline of ‘planetary health’, RISE success will be measured by the health and...
