
Mengapa Indonesia perlu dorong petani alih profesi? Pentingnya Dana Desa

Artikel ini dimuat ulang dari The Conversation Indonesia

Penulis: Palmira Permata Bachtiar
Researcher, SMERU Research Institute

Ketika membuka acara Jakarta Food Summit tahun lalu, Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengungkapkan kekhawatirannya mengenai penurunan jumlah petani yang dianggap dapat mengganggu produksi pangan kita.

Mengapa riset kesehatan jarang mempengaruhi kebijakan di Indonesia

Artikel ini dimuat ulang dari The Conversation Indonesia

Penulis: Meiwita Budiharsana
Lecturer, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia 

Ada keterputusan antara penelitian-penelitian yang dilakukan para peneliti kesehatan di Indonesia dan asupan hasil penelitian bagi perbaikan kebijakan kesehatan yang diinginkan pemerintah (perencana dan manajemen program) di negeri ini.

Pena Sederhana

Hal Terindah Bersama Anak Kecil Di Kampug Meriep Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni Provinsi Papua Barat

Oleh Y.F.Yarangga

Pena Sederhana adalah benda yang dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang luar biasa oleh Seorang Anak Kecil yang berada di Desa terpencil sebelah Barat Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni. Saking senangnya ketika memegang Pena sederhana Tersebut.


Gambar: Kampung Meriep Distrik Merdey

Sorghum returns to Flores

Sorghum returns to Flores
Hengky Ola Sura

The Jakarta Post
Flores, East Nusa Tenggara / Mon, March 18, 2019 / 07:10 am

In the 1970s, sorghum grain was easily found and widely consumed in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The constant heat and low rainfall in the area allowed the plant to flourish, making it one of the staple foods in the area.

Rich in carbohydrates, the plant was also able to adapt to changing climate conditions.

But as residents turned to rice within the next three decades, it was swept aside.

Yes to Diploma, No to Marriage Certificate: Sulawesi Teen Group Fights Child Marriage

In Gowa, South Sulawesi, a group of teens work to stop rampant child marriages in their home town.
by Camely Arta, Reporter

Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara – At 17 years old, Hasmita Nurzakia is not your regular high school student. With her friend Nur Afifa, 16, she has been actively campaigning to stop child marriage in her home town in Gowa District in South Sulawesi through their organization Kelompok Sebaya Anti Perkawinan Anak Gowa (Kesatria Gowa), which means Anti-Child Marriage Peer Group.

Pangan Hutan yang Selamatkan Warga Aik Berik di saat Gempa Lombok

oleh Fathul Rakhman [Lombok] di 27 February 2019

Sisa gempa masih terlihat di rumah Marwi. Dia tinggal di Aik Berik, desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Batukliang Utara, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Saat Mongabay Indonesia berkunjung di awal Februari lalu, rumah berdinding bata itu masih tampak kosong. Seisi perabot berada di halaman rumahnya.

Making more out of nutmeg in West Papua

FAKFAK, West Papua – Nestled among fragrant nutmeg trees and steps away from a white sandy beach in West Papua, a hilltop village has found new ways of making the most out of its prized spices. 

Sakartemen village sits on a lush hill called Hargendik in Fakfak, which is known for its nutmeg. During harvest season, farmers hack away with machetes at the thick bushes covering the ground, searching for the large, slightly curved fruits that litter the hill by the thousands. These fruits are nothing like the smaller versions found in other parts of Indonesia.
