Sumatera Barat

INSPIRASI BaKTI virtual “Berbagi Hasil Riset melalui Tulisan Populer

Hasil-hasil riset ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, penting untuk disampaikan kepada masyarakat luas dan pemangku kepentingan.

Namun seringkali hasil riset menggunakan format, gaya bahasa hingga kosakata ilmiah yang sulit dipahami pembaca awam. Agar hal tersebut dapat tersampaikan dengan baik, hasil riset perlu diolah menjadi tulisan populer dengan gaya bahasa yang mudah dipahami pembaca.

Remote Sensing (RS) Specialist

Abt Associates has been selected by the Millennium Challenge Account-Indonesia to implement the one-year Participatory Mapping and Planning (PMaP) 6 project. Through this project Abt Associates will help over 300 rural villages in fifteen districts throughout the country to delineate and demarcate their boundaries and map their resources to attract future investment in areas that will improve rural livelihoods in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Swisscontact District Admin and Finance Officer Polewali Mandar

Swisscontact promotes economic, social and ecological development by supporting people to successfully integrate into local commercial life. Swisscontact creates opportunities for people to improve their living conditions as a result of their own efforts. The focus of its systemic intervention in the private sector is the strengthening of local and global value chains.

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Provincial Communication and Outreach Coordinator CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL


Working in 30+ countries globally, Conservation International (CI) Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to empowering societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature for the good of humanity. We are constantly growing and expanding into areas new and old. We are currently looking to fill the following position for our office in Medan and Manokwari


Indonesia Second Power Transmission Development Project

The main objective of the Second Indonesia Power Transmission Development Project (IPTD2) is to strengthen and expand the
capacity of the power transmission networks in Java Bali and other large islands in West and East Indonesia including Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi.  IPTD2 will involve upgrades and extensions to e

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Jul 2013 to Dec 2018

Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Project.

The Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income communities Project for Indonesia aims to increase the number of low-income rural and peri-urban populations accessing improved water and sanitation facilities and practicing improved hygiene behaviors.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Jun 2006 to Jun 2014

Australia Support to PNPM (Indonesia's National Program for Community Empowerment) Green

Australia's support helps the Indonesian government to manage the national scale-up and mainstreaming of the program by strengthening PNPM's management and monitoring systems.(i) TA for PNPM; (ii) M&E; (iii) local capacity development; (iv) PNPM Generasi; (v) access to finance

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Feb 2009 to Jun 2014
