Project on Small and Medium Industry (SMI) Development Based on Improved Service Delivery
Overall Goal:
Overall Goal:
The purpose of the Project is to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders for regional development in Sulawesi and to establish the mechanisms of collaboration among stakeholders. The stakeholders include: policy makers (bupati, head of BAPPEDA and SKPD, DPRD), planning officers (BAPPEDA and SKPD), and community facilitators (community people, NGO staff, extension workers).
The project will provide piped water supply to about 200,000 poor people in peri-urbanized and poor areas in Indonesia.
The objective of the Project is to reduce income poverty and quality-of-life poverty in urban areas. The purpose of the Project is to put in place mechanisms for provision of affordable housing and serviced land for the poor.
The proposed Indonesia Irrigation Sector Project (IISP the Project)
will result in increased agricultural productivity through improved
The goal of the project is to improve the capacity of civil society to work with local governments in Sulawesi to plan, budget, and implement programs in a way that integrates the needs of women and the poor, thereby enhancing sustainable economic growth.
This project focuses on the coastal and marine environment and resources of Tomini Bay, on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
Menperin dorong potensi IKM di Parigi Moutong
Senin, 4 Mei 2015 17:58 WIB | 3.481 Views
Pewarta: Sella Panduarsa Gareta
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Menteri Perindustrian Saleh Husin berupaya mendorong kemajuan Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong, Sulawesi Tengah, diawalinya dengan kunjungan kerja ke wilayah Indonesia Timur tersebut.
The Eastern Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (EINRIP) is supporting major national road and bridge improvements which will promote economic and social development in eastern Indonesia. EINRIP supports 20 major road projects across nine provinces, totalling 395 km of national roads and 1300m of fabricated steel bridge structures. Works are scheduled for completion in December 2014.
Improve access to better governed and quality basic education services This program supports Indonesia to give nine years of quality, basic education to all Indonesian girls and boys. It is targeted where needs are most pressing - at the Junior Secondary Level. About 2,000 new schools have been constructed and more than 130,000 children are already enrolled and attending these schools. These schools have been built by local communities, including villagers whose children will attend the schools.