The objective of the Second Phase of the Water Resources and Irrigation Sector Management Program Project for Indonesia is to assist the Borrower to improve its capacity for basin water resource and irrigation management and increase irrigated agriculture productivity in the project area
The objectives of the Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project for Indonesia are to: (i) increase the safety and the functionality with respect to bulk water supply of large ministry of public works-owned reservoirs; and (ii) strengthen the safety and operational management policies, regulations and administrative capacity of ministry of public works
To accelerate economic development in rural communities based on local resources for :1. poverty reduction 2. Local Economic Development, 3. Reducing gaps between regions 4. Improving Local Government Management at District, SubDistrict, and Village level (local governance), 5. Strengthening local institutions at Village level.
The Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income communities Project for Indonesia aims to increase the number of low-income rural and peri-urban populations accessing improved water and sanitation facilities and practicing improved hygiene behaviors.
The objective of the Project is to reduce income poverty and quality-of-life poverty in urban areas. The purpose of the Project is to put in place mechanisms for provision of affordable housing and serviced land for the poor.