Asia 2050: Realizing the Asian Century
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Judul: Pedoman Pembangunan Sarana Air Bersih Berbasis Masyarakat
Title: Handbook for Community based water supply & sanitation
Penerbit: GTZ (sekarang GIZ)
Issued by: GTZ (now GIZ)
Tahun: 2011
Year of issue: 2011
Bahasa: Indonesia dan Inggris (file terpisah)
Language: Indonesian and English (separate files)
Pedoman ini ditulis bagi semua pihak yang tertarik mempelajari bagaimana supaya penyediaan air bersih berbasis masyarakat dapat berhasil dan bagaimana fasilitas dibangun berfungsi secara berkelanjutan. Pedoman ini disusun oleh ProAir, sebuah Program kerjasama bilateral antara Indonesia dengan Jerman di bidang penyediaan air bersih & sanitasi pedesaan berbasis masyarakat di NTT, Indonesia.
This handbook - based on successful experience in Indonesia - is written for everyone interested to learn how community based water supply can be successfully implemented & function sustainably. The book should be understood as a “cooking recipe†which means it explains the approach step by step but it also leaves the readers fully flexible to modify the approach according to their respective conditions.
Policy Research Working Papers of The World Bank
Authors: Emmanuel Skoufias; Mariano Rabassa; Sergio Olivieri
Judul: Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Strategi Promosi Kesehatan dalam Mempercepat Pencapaian Angka Kematian Ibu Nol di Provinsi NTB
Terbitan: Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi NTB
Tahun 2011
Online Edition: Free of Charge
ISBN: 978-92-9092-249-0
Publication Date: May 2011
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