Complaining to improve governance: four stories of complaint-handling systems in Indonesia

Complaining to improve governance: four stories of complain-handling systems in Indonesia

Author: Fajri Siregar, Mona Luthfina Usmani, Larastri Kumaralalita, Halida Nufaisa and Dinita Andriani Putri.



Since joining the Open Government Partnership in 2011, the Indonesian Government has shown some commitment towards implementing initiatives that increase citizen voice and government and service-providers’ accountability to citizens and service users. These include a series information and communications technology (ICT)-based complaint-handling systems that give members of the public an opportunity to highlight problems with the delivery of public services to those in a position to fix them. Yet the reach and uptake of these systems – which are both national and local – varies considerably across the country, for a number of reasons. This research examines four cases of complaint-handling systems. At the national level, it reviews LAPOR!, a one-stop complaint-handling platform set up by the Indonesian Government to manage citizens’ complaints and requests via SMS, smartphone apps and a website. At the subnational level, it looks at the wider ecosystem of complaint-handling systems in three regencies: Bojonegoro, Indragiri Hulu and Indramayu. As well as evaluating how LAPOR! is used subnationally, the research looks at other systems in these regions, ranging from radio shows to regular face-to-face consultation spaces with local officials. The research asks how, and by whom, complaint-handling systems are used, identifies a series of barriers to citizens using them, and explores the factors that shape their effectiveness and impact.

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