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Yayasan Kopernik - Web Developer - Ubud, Bali

Kopernik is an exciting, cutting-edge organisation that finds what works and what doesn’t to address the problems faced by those living in poverty. Through rapid prototyping and experimentation, Kopernik works directly with last mile communities, and in collaboration with our partners from the development, public and private sectors to reduce poverty.

Kopernik values action, getting things done, and being open and transparent - we have a professional and highly skilled team who are always looking for ways to innovate.

Pertamina Ditarget Dirikan 14 Titik BBM Satu Harga Di Papua-Maluku

Jayapura (Antara Papua) – Manajemen PT Pertamina (Persero) Marketing Operation Region (MOR) VIII ditargetkan untuk mendirikan 14 titik “BBM Satu Harga” di 2018, di wilayah Papua-Maluku.

“Ada 14 titik di tahun 2018, itu mencakup Provinsi Papua, Papua Barat, Maluku dan Maluku Utara,” ujar Manager Fuel Retail Marketing Pertamina MOR VIII, Zibali Hisbul Masih, di Jayapura, awal pekan ini seperti dikutip dari Antara.

Six ferries prepared for holiday season in East Nusa Tenggara

The Kupang branch of state-owned ship operator PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelno) has prepared six ferries to accommodate the flow of passengers during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays in East Nusa Tenggara.

Six vessels were prepared to transport travelers during the holiday season, Kupang Pelni office head Ishak Gerald said. KM Umsini, KM Lambelu and KM Bukit Siguntang have a capacity of 2,000 people each, KM Sirimau and KM Awu have a capacity of 1,000 people and KM Wilis has a 500-person capacity.

Explore Nusa Tenggara’s beautiful landscape

The beaches that wrap around the Nusa Tenggara Islands are highly pristine landscapes featuring the original coral reef ecosystem still relatively undisturbed by the human population. Thanks to the beauty they possess, both West and East Nusa Tenggara are one of Indonesia’s most sought-after travel destinations.

If you are looking forward to visiting a new local tourist attraction this holiday season, you should consider going there, where you can enjoy these amazing places:

1. Rejuvenate yourself with beautiful views in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara
