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Sekolah di Asmat Ajarkan Siswa Peduli Lingkungan Sejak Tingkat Dasar

Namanya SD YPPK Salib Suci. Ia terletak di Jl. RA. Kartini, Kabupaten Asmat, Papua. Sekolah dasar kelolaan Yayasan Pendidikan Katolik ini

punya halaman sekolah lumayan luas terbuat dari papan kayu besi dengan tonggak kayu besi pula. Plang nama SD YPPK Salib Suci, berdiri kokok di atas tanah lumpur. Di sekitar itu tumbuh kayu pit dan pohon susu.

Haji Suku Asmat Meningkat, Unit Keimigrasian pun Dibentuk

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TIMIKA -- Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II B Tembagapura, Timika, segera membentuk unit kerja keimigrasian di Agats, Ibu Kota Kabupaten Asmat, Provinsi Papua. Sebab, kebutuhan pengurusan paspor terutama bagi jamaah calon haji dari Kabupaten Asmat terus meningkat setiap tahunnya.

Improving welfare of Indonesian teachers

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) led a ceremony to celebrate National Teachers` Day and the Association of Indonesian Teachers` (PGRI`s) 72nd Anniversary at the Patriot Candrabhaga Stadium in Bekasi, West Java, on December 2, 2017.

During the celebration attended by nearly 40 thousand people, the head of state greeted and reverently paid tribute to all teachers of Indonesia by bowing down in front of tens of thousands of teachers present at the event.

President Jokowi has stated that the teachers` quality must be offset with their welfare.

Improving welfare of Indonesian teachers

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) led a ceremony to celebrate National Teachers` Day and the Association of Indonesian Teachers` (PGRI`s) 72nd Anniversary at the Patriot Candrabhaga Stadium in Bekasi, West Java, on December 2, 2017.

During the celebration attended by nearly 40 thousand people, the head of state greeted and reverently paid tribute to all teachers of Indonesia by bowing down in front of tens of thousands of teachers present at the event.

President Jokowi has stated that the teachers` quality must be offset with their welfare.

Assessment Team Leader

Terms of Reference

Post Title: Assessment Team Leader

Program: Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments (RISE)

Reporting to: (1st) RISE In-Country Manager; (2nd) University partner Lab Manager and Senior Oversight

Strong working relations to:

·         Objective 2,3 and 4 Leaders

·         University Lab manager

·         Programme Manager

Duty Station: Makassar, Indonesia
