Opening Up 10 Years of Micro-data from Indonesia

The World Bank
— Local Solutions to Poverty,
Jakarta, Indonesia


Over 16 years, the Local Solutions to Poverty (LSP) has financed technical assistance, analytical and advisory activities, as well as operations that support the Government of Indonesia's implementation of its community-based poverty alleviation platform, including its flagship National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM Rural) program.

The program, as with its predecessor the Kecamatan Development Program (KDP), has benefited from a combination of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities and rigorous analytical studies carried out by LSP's analytics team in close collaboration with the Government of Indonesia. These studies informed and influenced the operational design of PNPM Rural and related programs, as well as the Government's policy on community-based poverty reduction programs.

As part of these M&E activities and studies, LSP designed several unique surveys and the National Violence Monitoring System. These datasets, and the accompanying technical documentation and reports, are available on World Bank's microdata catalogue. This brochure showcases these micro-datasets so that governments, researchers and practitioners in Indonesia and globally can use them to inform research on local level development.

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