ICCO for Independent External Evaluator

Indonesia Programme of ICCO Regional Office South East Asia is looking for a

Independent External Evaluator


Closing date:  October 15th, 2017

 ASBALR PACT is a three years EU funded project, collaboratively implemented by ICCO Cooperation and its partners, including: Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) as affiliated entity; HUMA Association; and Scale Up. The project reach 21 villages[1] of three district in Riau province, to include: Pelelawan district; Siak District; and Pulau Padang of Kepulauan Meranti district.

 Aim of this project is to empower affected peat land residents of Riau Province to protect their communal and cultural rights through peaceful mechanism in 21 villages, by various activities: (1) strengthening and capacitating forest and indigenous peoples communities in protecting their livelihood and rights as rightful owner and dwellers of forest and peat lands; (2) catalyzing local advocacy campaign of civil society by raising awareness for sustainable business and alternative dispute mechanism; (3) formulating guidelines for claiming community forest and peat land as part of their ancestral in a participatory process by communities, CSOs, national and local government and business sector .

 In implementing this project, ICCO and partners use Business and Human Rights Framework as prescribes under United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). Impacts of the project trying to reach 5, 621, 443 people affected by Pulp and Paper plantation activities in Riau.


Work Profile of the Independent External Evaluator

 The evaluation will cover the entire project duration, from April, 2015 to March, 2018. The evaluation will assess the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, sustainability, and impact of the project within targeted beneficiaries in 21 villages, districts stakeholder, provincial stakeholders, and businesses stakeholder. The evaluation will cover all areas of implementation including activities delivered by ICCO’s project partner.

 The overall objectives of the evaluation are :

a.       To evaluate the entire project in terms of effectiveness, relevance, sustainability, efficiency and impact with focus on assessing the results at the general objectives and specific objectives level.

b.      To generate lesson learn and best practices for learning and knowledge sharing

c.       To identify possible future intervention related with mainstreaming business and human rights in business sector to promote accountability and sustainability operation, as well as alternative feasible livelihood for communities.


Minimum Requirement

1.      Evaluator should have at least 5 years’ experience in conducting external evaluation, with most significant change methods, and having flexibility in using participatory evaluation methods.

2.      Knowledge to use gender and human rights based approaches to evaluation

3.      Understanding of business and human rights, environment, and tenure is desirable

4.      Strong commitment to delivering timely and high quality result

5.      Strong management track record, interpersonal and communication skills to help ensure the evaluation is understood and used

6.      Ability to communicate with various stakeholders


Please send your motivation letter and CV (up to 4 pages maximum and in English) only by e-mail and before October 15th, 2017 to .  When shortlisted, you will receive an invitation.


ICCO, Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation, was founded in 1965 by the Protestant churches in the Netherlands. ICCO’s mission is working towards a world without poverty and injustrice. From the Regional Office in Denpasar, in the region South East Asia ICCO works in Indonesia, Phillipines, Burma/Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. ICCO gives an equal-opportunity employment regardless of race, gender, religion, or political affiliations to apply.

