Imelda Amelia Sibala;
Provincial Coordinator of South Sulawesi
National Office:
Menara Thamrin, level 22
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3
Jakarta 10250 - INDONESIA
Tel. (62 21) 391 3112
Fax. (62 21) 310 0766
Field office:
Sorowako – South Sulawesi Province
Tel. (62 21) 5249809
Mobile. (62) 811550523
Skype: imelda.sibala
The ILO Project “PROMOTE:
Decent Work for Domestic Workers to End Child Domestic Work”, is a three and a half year project to be implemented starting January 2013 to June 2016. The project, which is funded by the United States Department of Labor, will promote the realization of Decent Works for Domestic Workers as a means to reduce child labor. While the project strategies include a number of activities at the regional level, the Project will be implemented primarily in Indonesia and will target four
provinces namely: East Java, Jakarta (and its surrounding cities), Lampung
and South Sulawesi. At the national and provincial level, the Project will
partner with the following three national strategic networks consisting of Indonesian trade unions confederations, domestic workers’ organizations, and Non-Government Organizations, KAPPRT-BM, JALA PRT, and JARAK, in implementing Project activities and will address the capacity gaps of these partners to enhance the impact of their campaigns and outreach activities in promoting Decent Work for Domestic Workers and to Reduce Child Domestic Labor. At the regional level, partnering with two regional organizations, the Project will work to enhance regional capacity and regional alliances.
The ultimate aim of the Project is to reduce child domestic work significantly by building institutional capacities of Domestic Worker Organizations to promote Decent
Work for Domestic Workers effectively.
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