to provide the targeted assistance in organizational performance required to scale up effective, integrated HIV/AIDS interventions that led to substantial and measurable behavior change among most-at-risk population (MARP).
The organizational performance topics include accountability, administration, advocacy, finance, governance, knowledge management, leadership, management, monitoring and evaluation, networking, partnership, policy development, resource mobilization, strategic planning and transparency.
SUM II will provide and monitor small grants to qualified civil society organizations (NGOs and FBOs) to support the scale up of integrated interventions in “hotspot”, where there is a high concentration of one or more MARP and high-risk behavior is prevalent.
In collaboration with the National AIDS Commission (KPA) and the Ministry of Health, SUM I and SUM II projects will develop integrated intervention models which will be applied in eight provinces (North Sumatra, Riau Islands, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Papua and Papua) where integrated interventions would provide significant coverage of the risk- populations and have a measurable impact.
Provide targeted assistance in organizational performance for NGOs, civil society and local government institutions required to scale up integrated intervention and to promote networking and partnerships among local stakeholders to improve the reach, coverage and cost-effectiveness of the HIV/AIDS response in Indonesia.
Project Profile
Scaling Up at Most-at-risk Population II
Jangka Waktu Project:
May 2010 to May 2015
Organisasi Pendana:
Lembaga Mitra:
- IDS Projects Management Group (APMG)
- Research Triangle Institute
- Training Resources Group. Inc.
Project Sektor:
Wilayah Kerja:
Papua, Papua Barat
Anggaran Project:
USD 35 million
Project Summary: