The Project will expand renewable energy use and thereby limit emission of greenhouse gases. Construction and commissioning of hydropower, geothermal, and transmission lines for power evacuation.
RED 1- Merasap, Lobong and Mongango mini-hydro (all core)
RED 2 - Ndungga (core), Santong and Prafi (noncore)
RED 3 - Lahendong II (noncore)
RED 4 - Poigar 2 hydropower (noncore) --- replaced with Lahendong IV GPP
RED 5 - Genyem hydro power (noncore)
RED 6 - Amai and Tatui (noncore)
RED 7 - Ulumbu mini-geothermal proj. (noncore)
RED 8 - Lahendong IV (noncore)
Project Profile
Renewable Energy Development Sector
Jangka Waktu Project:
September 2008 to September 2011
Organisasi Pendana:
Pemerintah Mitra:
- Direktorat Jenderal Listrik & Pemanfaatan Energi
Project Sektor:
Wilayah Kerja:
Gorontalo, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Papua, Papua Barat, Sulawesi Utara
Anggaran Project:
USD 256.000
Kontak Detail:
Renadi Budiman
Project Summary: