The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralisation

Project TimeFrame:
Jan 2011 to Dec 2015
AUD $ 70 million
Tata Pemerintahan
Jawa Timur
Nusa Tenggara Barat
Nusa Tenggara Timur
Papua Barat
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Contact(s) Details:

Contact person: Agung Wijaya (Assistant Program Director)
Kantor Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralisation (AIPD) Jakarta
c/o Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan, Kementerian Keuangan RI
Gedung A (Radius Prawiro),  Lantai 5
Jl. Dr. Wahidin No. 1,  Jakarta 10710
Telp:  +62 21 361 28 111, 361 29 111
Fax:  +62 21 361 24 111

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)
Contact person: Ardanti Sutarto (Assistant Program Director NTT)
Kantor Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralisation (AIPD)
Jl. Polisi Militer No. 2 Kupang, 85111
Telp. +62 380 833 099
Fax.   +62 380 833 199

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)
Contact person: Anja Kusuma (Assistant Program Director NTB)
Kantor BAPPEDA Provinsi NTB
Jl. Flamboyan No. 2 Mataram, 83126
Telp. +62 370 641101
Fax.  +62 370 641102

East Java (JATIM)
Contact person: Purwida Liliek Haryati (Assistant Program Director Jatim)
Kantor BAPPEDA Propinsi Jawa Timur
Jl. Pahlawan No. 102-108 Surabaya,  60174
Telp & Fax. +62 31  3535 776

Contact person: Ellva Rori (Assistant Program Director Papua)
Kantor BAPPEDA Provinsi Papua
Jln. Soa Siu No.1. Dok II Jayapura, 99112
Telp.  +62 967 537902
Fax.    +62 967 535330

West Papua
Contact person: Ottow Geisler Sineri (Assistant Program Director Papua Barat)
Kantor Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralisation (AIPD)
Jl. Pertanian – Wosi Dalam
Depan SMPN 11 Manokwari Barat
Papua barat – 98312
Telp : +62 986 2701882
Fax:  +62 986 213466

Deskripsi Project: 

The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralisation (AIPD) supports the Government of Indonesia to improve the performance of provincial and local governments. More specifically, AIPD aims to improve public service provision in health, education and infrastructure. AIPD works with the central government as well as five provincial governments, namely Papua, West Papua, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara and East Java, and 20 district governments within those provinces, starting from 2011 to 2015.

The program focuses on resource management, covering both human and financial resources. AIPD creates an enabling environment for provincial and local governments to improve their performance so that sectoral initiatives to improve health, education and infrastructure services have a greater chance of success. At the same time, AIPD pilots new development models that can be replicated in other provinces and districts.

AIPD also plays a role in policy development. By capturing the real challenges that provincial and local governments face and presenting them as feedback to the central government, AIPD contributes to the development of better policy. In other words, AIPD helps make decentralisation work.

Three main components of AIPD:

* Builds the capacity of government stakeholders to more effectively allocate and manage available resources, particularly through developing improved public financial management, focussing on education, health and infrastructure services.
* Supports the generation, sharing and use of knowledge for development, particularly in the context of decentralisation and improved service delivery.
* Supports civil society stakeholders to more actively and effectively engage in and influence resource allocation and management and decision-making by local authorities (both executive and legislature), and enhance participation and representation of media and civil society organisations.

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