The Embassy of the United States of America in Jakarta is pleased to announce an open competition for eligible higher education institutions (HEIs), research centers, and other non-profit educational organizations to submit proposals to the 2021 Academic Writing Center (AWC) Support Funds Grant Competition.
Split-Site Master's Scholarship Program for Civil Servants Working in the Health Sector
The Ministry of Health collaborates with Australia Awards in Indonesia, Hasanuddin University, and Griffith University to deliver the Split-Site Master’s Scholarship Program for civil servants working in the health sector, for the academic year of 2021-2023.
This scholarship program consists of 1 year of study at Hasanuddin University, Indonesia and 1 year of study at Griffith University, Australia. At the end of study, students will get two degrees, which are Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat and...
The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) collaborates with Australia Awards in Indonesia, Brawijaya University, and Macquarie University to deliver the Split-Site Master’s Scholarship Program for civil servants working in the economic sector, for the academic year of 2021-2023.
This scholarship program consists of 1 year of study at Brawijaya University, Indonesia and 1 year of study at Macquarie University, Australia. At the end of study, students will get two degrees, which are Magister Ilmu Ekonomi and Master of Applied...
Split-Site Master's Scholarship Program for Civil Servants Working in the Tourism SectorThe Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) collaborates with Australia Awards in Indonesia, Udayana University, and Griffith University to deliver the Split-Site Master’s Scholarship Program for civil servants working in the tourism sector, for the academic year of 2021-2023.
This scholarship program consists of 1 year of study at Udayana University, Indonesia and 1 year of study at Griffith University, Australia. At the end of study, students will get two...
The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) collaborates with Australia Awards in Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, and The University of Melbourne to deliver the Split-Site Master’s Scholarship Program for civil servants working in the social sector, for the academic year of 2021-2023.
This scholarship program consists of 1 year of study at Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia and 1 year of study at The University of Melbourne, Australia. At the end of study, students will get two degrees, which are Magister Sosiologi and Master of...
Are you keen to learn on how to improve education foundations and build 21st century skills? If you currently work in a relevant role in a national or subnational Indonesian Government agency or a partner institution, apply for the Building Foundations to Equip Indonesians with 21st Century Skills Short Term Award.
The course aims to provide the participants with an opportunity to explore and benchmark key strategies for improving education foundations and building 21st century skills – especially the development of effective policy; the types of system support that are needed...
Basic Literacy and Numeracy for Early Grades Project
In Southwest Sumba
Improving the access and availability of basic education (defined as K-12) has been a priority in Indonesia’s national agenda for some time now. Though it has, by and large, achieved significant progress in doing so, it continues to face challenges in ensuring and standardizing the quality of the delivery of education services throughout the country. Many areas, especially rural and remote areas, struggle to deliver these services even at the most basic level given that they are oftentimes faced with limited...
Newton Fund Indonesia is now calling for proposals for the Researcher Links Climate Challenge workshops: grant funding for interdisciplinary research workshops on climate change.Combating climate change and its impact is critical for promoting global sustainable development. This call is one of many activities the British Council is delivering in the run up to COP26Researcher Links Climate Challenge (RLCC) grants are designed to provide financial support to host virtual research workshops for participants from the UK and partner countries to work on innovative solutions to development...
Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Indonesia mengundang jurnalis perempuan atau jurnalis korban kekerasan untuk mengikuti program “Online Holistic Safety Training”. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran jurnalis agar menjalankan profesi dengan aman dari aspek fisik, digital, hukum dan psikososial, dengan memberikan bekal pengetahuan dan keterampilan antisipasi serta mitigasi kekerasan fisik, digital, hukum, dan psikososial termasuk kekerasan berbasis gender. Diharapkan dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki, risiko kekerasan dan dampak kekerasan...
Are you keen to learn about the use of data for better policies and public services? If you currently work in a relevant role in a national or subnational Indonesian Government agency or a research institution, apply for the Governing in the Digital Age (The Use of Data for Better Policies and Public Services) Short Term Award.
The course aims to strengthen the capacity of government (both national and subnational) in producing, analysing and using data to inform policy decisions. The course will provide examples, strategies and tools utilised by international, Indonesian and Australian...