USAID/Indonesia has launched the Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (USAID IUWASH) project, which will support Government of Indonesia efforts to achieve Indonesia’s Millennium Development Goal targets for safe water and sanitation. The USAID IUWASH project will work with Indonesian government agencies (central, provincial, and local), local government owned water utilities (PDAMs), the Association of Indonesia Water Utilities (PERPAMSI), non-governmental organizations, communities, universities, and the private sector. The project will also address the challenges water utilities face to ensure water quality and availability in a context of climate change and increasing demand for water.
Expected results include:
A 20% reduction of per unit water costs paid by the poor in targeted communities;
Increased access to safe water for 2 million people and an improved sanitation for 200,000 people; and
Mainstreamed models for providing water and sanitation to poor populations in urban areas.
To achieve these results, activities under the following components will be implemented:
Demand for safe drinking water access and improved sanitation increased among urban communities and households with currently unimproved access;
The capacity to sustainably supply this mobilized demand with improved water and sanitation services built among the public and private sector institutions best placed to provide these services in urban areas; and
A governance and financial enabling environment created that supports equitable access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation in urban areas.
Project Profile
USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project
Jangka Waktu Project:
March 2010 to March 2016
Organisasi Pendana:
Lembaga Mitra:
- Development Alternatives Inc.
Project Sektor:
Wilayah Kerja:
Papua, Sulawesi Selatan
Anggaran Project:
USD 33.7 juta
Kontak Detail:
Project Summary: