USAID/Indonesia’s IFACS project reduces the threats of deforestation and climate change and helps the Government of Indonesia conserve the country’s tropical forests, wildlife (including orangutans), and ecosystem services (including generation of clean water, reduction of soil erosion, food security and carbon sequestration). The IFACS project works with Indonesian government agencies (central, provincial, and local), NGOs, communities, and the private sector. This is a four-year project that is expected to result in the following benefits to Indonesia:
A 50% reduction in the rate of forest degradation and loss from conversion, illegal extraction, over-harvesting and climate change for six million hectares;
Improved management of 3.5 million hectares of selected tropical forest in targeted landscapes;
Changes in land use practices and improved forestry management result in a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions;
A 20% increase in financial resources for forest management, increased transparency, and access to information to strengthen capacity of government, civil society and the private sector for conservation and sustainable management of forest resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services at targeted landscapes; and; and
Low carbon growth development strategies piloted at the local level in eight districts.
To achieve these results, activities under the following components will be implemented:
1. Land and Forest Resource Governance;
2. Improved Management and Conservation of Forest Resources in a Changing Climate;
3. Private Sector, Local Enterprise, and Market Links; and
4. Project Coordination and Management.
Project Profile
USAID Indonesian Forest and Climate Support Project
Jangka Waktu Project:
October 2010 to September 2014
Organisasi Pendana:
Lembaga Mitra:
- Tetra Tech ARD
Wilayah Kerja:
Project Summary: