This program will focus on increasing production of targeted high-value commodities like cocoa, coffee and horticulture, expanding rural access to credit, and advocating for pro-farmer regulatory reform.
Value Chain Development:
AMARTA II activities will improve value chains for horticulture crops (vegetables, fruits and flowers), cocoa and coffee. AMARTA II will provide technical assistance across the key value chain links, train farmers, strengthen farmers associations, support the growth of small and medium agribusiness enterprises, including domestics and export marketing, and will work with and support GOI institutions involved in agricultural technology transfer and technology development. These activities will improve incomes and employment in the target regions.
Facilitating Access to Credit:
AMARTA II will provide technical assistance to banks participating in the USAID-funded Loan Guarantee Program. Under a separate arrangement with USAID/Development Credit Authority (DCA), USAID/Indonesia will fund an agricultural loan guarantee program to enable access to credit by farmers and small and medium agribusinesses. AMARTA II will provide technical assistance to work with these banks to facilitate upstream and downstream credit processes.
Agriculture Policy and Regulatory Analyses:
AMARTA II will: 1) Conduct in-depth policy and regulatory analyses especially as they affect the target commodity groups, agribusinesses, and the agriculture sector in general; 2) Establish a forum for advocacy and promotion of policy and regulatory reforms; 3) Strengthen stakeholder groups’ advocacy capacity; 4) Support advocacy activities.
Project Profile
Agribusiness Market And Support Activity II
Jangka Waktu Project:
June 2011 to June 2016
Organisasi Pendana:
Lembaga Mitra:
- Development Alternatives
- Inc
Project Sektor:
Wilayah Kerja:
Sulawesi Selatan
Anggaran Project:
USD 15 million
Kontak Detail:
Jln Lasinrang 34 Makassar Sulawesi Selatan 90113
Telp: 0411 - 831450, Fax: 0411 - 871342
Project Summary: