Call for paper is now open for the inaugural edition of International Moving Image Cultures Conference (IMOVICCON) due to be held in Universitas Multimedia Nusantara campus in Tangerang, Indonesia, 2-3rd July 2019.
With the rising dominance of mobile screens in the modern life as well as the global society that has turned digital, mobile screens has become an integral part of storytelling. In big cities like Jakarta, televisions and printed newspapers have been subordinated to the periphery of human's storytelling, replaced by the screens of phones, laptops and tablets. It is more important than ever to examine what the mobile screens are telling us about storytelling. Studying mobile screens in the context of storytelling is essential to understanding how mobile screens are utilized, explored, critiqued and sometimes exploited to tell stories.
Papers, panels, and round tables are now invited for fellow researchers, students communities, academics, institutions and individuals to submit their current work relating to “Mobile Screen Cultures and Digital Society” as our main theme.
Important dates of the conference to be noted, are as follow:
Call for Abstract : 19 November 2018
Abstract Submission due : 1 February 2019
Notification of Acceptance : 1 April 2019
Full Paper Submission due: 1 May 2019
Registration and Payments : 1 May – 14 June 2019
Conference Date: 2-3 July 2019.
Kindly check out our website at for further info and event details.
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