Explore Nusa Tenggara’s beautiful landscape

The beaches that wrap around the Nusa Tenggara Islands are highly pristine landscapes featuring the original coral reef ecosystem still relatively undisturbed by the human population. Thanks to the beauty they possess, both West and East Nusa Tenggara are one of Indonesia’s most sought-after travel destinations.

If you are looking forward to visiting a new local tourist attraction this holiday season, you should consider going there, where you can enjoy these amazing places:

1. Rejuvenate yourself with beautiful views in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara

For Papuan villagers practicing conservation, a bid to formalize the familiar

TAMBRAUW, Indonesia — It took more than two hours by boat, through a driving rain, to reach the village of Saubeba from the nearest large town of Sausapor in Indonesia’s West Papua province. There, locals had gathered to discuss a government-backed plan to designate Tambrauw district, of which Saubeba is a part, a conservation zone.

Ukiran Suku Kamoro Timika dipamerkan di Jakarta

Yayasan Maramowe Weaiku Komowore binaan PT Freeport Indonesia memamerkan seni ukiran asli Suku Kamoro Kampung Timika Pantai Kampung Pulau Naraka Timika Papua di Jakarta yang berlangsung sejak 24 November hingga 5 Desember 2017.

"Freeport berkomitmen menjaga kelangsungan pelestarian budaya kerajinan ukir suku Kamoro," kata Vice President Corporate Communication PT Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama di Jakarta, Selasa.

Sekolah di Asmat Ajarkan Siswa Peduli Lingkungan Sejak Tingkat Dasar

Namanya SD YPPK Salib Suci. Ia terletak di Jl. RA. Kartini, Kabupaten Asmat, Papua. Sekolah dasar kelolaan Yayasan Pendidikan Katolik ini

punya halaman sekolah lumayan luas terbuat dari papan kayu besi dengan tonggak kayu besi pula. Plang nama SD YPPK Salib Suci, berdiri kokok di atas tanah lumpur. Di sekitar itu tumbuh kayu pit dan pohon susu.

Haji Suku Asmat Meningkat, Unit Keimigrasian pun Dibentuk

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TIMIKA -- Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II B Tembagapura, Timika, segera membentuk unit kerja keimigrasian di Agats, Ibu Kota Kabupaten Asmat, Provinsi Papua. Sebab, kebutuhan pengurusan paspor terutama bagi jamaah calon haji dari Kabupaten Asmat terus meningkat setiap tahunnya.

Improving welfare of Indonesian teachers

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) led a ceremony to celebrate National Teachers` Day and the Association of Indonesian Teachers` (PGRI`s) 72nd Anniversary at the Patriot Candrabhaga Stadium in Bekasi, West Java, on December 2, 2017.

During the celebration attended by nearly 40 thousand people, the head of state greeted and reverently paid tribute to all teachers of Indonesia by bowing down in front of tens of thousands of teachers present at the event.

President Jokowi has stated that the teachers` quality must be offset with their welfare.

Improving welfare of Indonesian teachers

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) led a ceremony to celebrate National Teachers` Day and the Association of Indonesian Teachers` (PGRI`s) 72nd Anniversary at the Patriot Candrabhaga Stadium in Bekasi, West Java, on December 2, 2017.

During the celebration attended by nearly 40 thousand people, the head of state greeted and reverently paid tribute to all teachers of Indonesia by bowing down in front of tens of thousands of teachers present at the event.

President Jokowi has stated that the teachers` quality must be offset with their welfare.


Yayasan Plan International Indonesia is presently implementing its country strategic 4 (CS 4) covering fiscal year 2017 to 2022, where the country objective has been defined as “to identify and facilitate the removal of obstacles that prevent children from enjoying their rights and participating fully in Indonesian society”. The organisation’s purpose is to “strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls”. This goal will be achieved by providing technical support and implementing quality programs and projects through partnership.
