Nutrition International (NI; formerly the Micronutrient Initiative) has supported the VAS program in Indonesia since 2009 in 12 districts of six provinces (North Sumatera, South Sumatera, West Java, Banten, Riau and West Nusa Tenggara). A coverage evaluation survey was conducted by NI in 2012 comparing NI-supported and non-NI-supported districts. The key findings of the survey highlighted that the support that NI was providing to select districts in improved planning, supply chain and coverage monitoring improved the coverage and management of the VAS program. On the basis of these findings, NI then worked toward replicating these processes which were so successful at the district-level, at the provincial level in the 6 NI-supported provinces during 2012-2016. This “Replication Package” includes guidance on specifics of micro-planning, budgeting, estimation of VAC stocks, streamlining the supply chain, recording and reporting including how to use the data to identify low-coverage districts and plan mop-up activities, monitoring and supervision.
To strengthen government commitment and integrate VAS program with other Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition programs, in March – October 2017, NI supported MoH to conduct advocacy meetings to introduce the “Replication Package” of the VAS program (which has been implemented in six NI supported provinces) to 5 additional non NI provinces (Jambi, Central Java, Bangka Belitung, West Kalimantan and South Sulawesi). The advocacy efforts resulted in all five provinces developing action plans to socialize the “Replication Package” of the VAS program.
NI plans to continue this support to the MOH to carry out similar advocacy meetings in 3 selected Provinces between September and December 2018. In each province, approximately 25-30 participants will be invited to participate. Participants will include:
· Representatives from MoH at national level (staff from the Directorate of Nutrition, Directorate of Maternal and Child Health).
· Representatives from PHO (staff from Nutrition sub-division, health promotion sub-division, maternal and child health and pharmacy) from the respective province.
· Representatives from selected DHO (Nutrition division, health promotion division, maternal and child health and pharmacy unit) in each PHO.
NI is therefore seeking to hire an agency to support NI to conduct these meetings in the 3 identified provinces.
The activities will be held tentatively in September – December 2018. The timeline is in reference to the time of signing the contract with NI and the final report will be finalized within this period. Link of the RFP can be found in below link: document/384544105/RFP-for- Advocacy-Meeting-VAS- Replication-Package-to-3- Provinces
Interested firm/institutions shall submit the following documents:
• Firm/Institutions Profile with CV of team members
• Cover letter
• References (minimum 3 relevant experiences);
• Proposal including financial submission (for bidding)
The submission deadline is Thursday, August 2nd, 2018 at 17:00 West Indonesia Standard Time.
Please submit the documents to proposalsindonesia@ using subject the line: “Advocacy Meeting for Expansion of “Replication Package” of the VAS program to 3 Selected Provinces in Indonesia” or send to Nutrition International, Gd. Wirausaha Lt. 2, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said kav.. C-5 Jakarta 12940, Indonesia.
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