As the world’s largest archipelago nation in area and population, Indonesia is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. With 30% of the world’s mangroves (>3 million ha) and 22 million ha of peatlands, peat and mangrove ecosystems (PME) provide adaptation and resilience capacity for vulnerable communities, including coastal protection, flood control, water quality, and food security. Indonesia’s PMEs also boast some of the highest ecosystem carbon densities (mangroves=1,023 MgCha-1 and peatlands=2,658 MgCha-1) and hence great capacity for mitigation. However, PMEs are amongst Indonesia’s most threatened ecosystems including in the project pilot Provinces North Sumatera and West Papua. The pilot Provinces represent two different development stages and conservation approaches in Indonesia where the North Sumatera is more focusing on peatland restoration and the West Papua is more focusing on peat and mangrove conservation.
North Sumatera
North Sumatra has been a pioneer in the development of agricultural plantations such as palm oil, rubber and pulp and paper, impacting its forests with roughly only 31% of its forest cover remaining (about 2.2 million ha out of a total 7.2 million terrestrial Ha). The total designated forest area is 3.01 million ha and is managed in 22 units by Forest Management Units (FMU) and Conservation areas. Non-forest land increased significantly from 4.71 million ha in 1990 to 5.25 million ha in 2015 – indicating 74.11% of land-use in the North Sumatra. The forest and land conversion also happened rapidly at the high carbon stock-peatland area. The peatland conversion was counted almost 80% of peatland have been drained and converted to palm oil. Rapid deforestation occurred during 2000-2012 with deforestation rates in forests at over 3% from 2000 to 2005, increasing to nearly 6% from 2005 to 2010, and decreased from 2010 to 2012 at 3%. If North Sumatra continued with a business-as-usual scenario, it is estimated that by 2035 roughly 350,000 out of 1.9 million ha of remaining primary forest cover, could be lost – impacting animal habitats, biodiversity, and resulting in emissions of around 150 MT CO2e. These key remaining forests are predominantly located in the west part of North Sumatera across 4 Districts: Mandailing Natal, South Tapanuli, North Tapanuli, and Pakpak Barat. Nevertheless, the rapid deforestation was indicated not directly impacted to the regional economic growth and North Sumatera PDRB- the North Sumatera economic growth from 2001-2017 were stagnant at 5.1%-5.2%.
West Papua
With 9.4 million hectares of forests (approximately 90% of its entire terrestrial area), West Papua is one of the ‘greenest’ provinces in all of Indonesia. The forests hold rich biodiversity and carbon stocks, including around one million hectares of vital peatland and 650,000 ha of Mangrove. The health of the forests can be directly attributed to the many indigenous communities that have been sustainably managing these resources for generations. Most of these communities’ lives in isolated locations and rely heavily on the forest for livelihoods and subsistence (timber, fuelwood, bush food, medicinal plants, etc.), while a small number have transitioned to more intensive agricultural-based systems. This deep-rooted history and the knowledge that West Papua’s indigenous populations have in terms of forest resources and sustainable management is an incredible asset for the development. Concerning those resources, The Provincial Government declares their commitment as Sustainable Development Province (Provinsi Konservasi).
Nevertheless, there are a trade-off between conservation visions and key economic development indicators. With abundant of development assets and natural resources, the West Papua’ PDRB was counted only 0,1% of National PDRB which were the smallest PDRB in the country (Bank of Indonesia, 2019). The West Papua Province was also ranked 2nd highest poverty rate in the country (BPS, 2018) even the rate successively decreased. At the other side, the natural capital, the forests including the PMEs, are under threats due to increasing land-use change and development pressure. Most traditional land territory have not been protected under law and even less has been recognized in spatial and forest plan. Less than 10% of West Papua’s mangroves (650,000 ha) are protected despite having the highest diversity of mangrove species in the world. This is highlighted by the fact that large areas (over 2 million ha of forest in West Papua are proposed to be cleared for agriculture plantations and other intensive use activities in the next 20 years based on the 2014 spatial plans. It is in this context that both planned and unplanned development of carbon rich PMEs will represent significant deforestation and GHG emissions.
IKI Project
The Peat and Mangrove Ecosystems (PME) Project in Indonesia is part partnership between government of Indonesia and the Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) The project focus on climate change “Mitigation, Adaptation through Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods in Indonesia's Peat and Mangrove Ecosystems”.
Conservation International (CI) is the lead agency for implementing and executing the project along with partners, Wetlands International and CIFOR. Conservation International works in partnership with stakeholders at the national and local levels to conserve nature and improve human wellbeing in Indonesia.
The project will focus on national policy, smart land use planning, improved forest management, sustainable production and innovative finance. The project will provide technical assistance and tools for partners to make informed decisions, manage natural resources sustainably and develop green economic pathways that will contribute significantly towards Indonesia’s NDCs as part of the Paris Climate Agreement.
The primary point of contact for contract related queries is the CI’s PME Senior Manager. The CI sustainable development coordinator, North Sumatera stakeholder manager, North Sumatera Field Manager, and West Papua Program Manager will supervise the overall SEA activities. CI’s Senior Director of Terrestrial Program, Senior Policy Advisor and the Terrestrial Technical Advisor will support the team to review milestones and provide technical oversight for this consultancy.
General Objective of the Consultancy:
The project will facilitate technical assistance and capacity building to both pilot Province, North Sumatera and West Papua in developing low emission development scenario and sustainable financing scheme for conservation including the PME. The results of this consultancy will be used to:
Provide technical material for supporting review and revise to the land use plan (Pola dan Struktur Ruang) to ensure environmental regulations are followed and important natural capital areas are protected.
Provide material for strengthening the Provincial and District Development Plan
Provide material for strengthening the Provincial Forest Plan (RKTP) of North Sumatera and West Papua, so that the management peat and mangrove areas are incorporated into protection zones as per regulations.
Support the development of FMU forestry management plan (RPJHP) that reflects the needs and alternative green business blueprint for West Papua
Improve the capacity of both provincials and districts government agencies.
B.1. North Sumatera
Geographical focus: Provincial level and 2 target Districts: South Tapanuli and Mandailing Natal
Deliverable 1. Restoration project feasibility and regional development impacts assessment for peatland restoration in the target areas.
Together with the other experts, the consultant conduct feasibility study economic development and its impact assessment from landscape design of conservation, restoration, and sustainable production scenario. Here some following details:
Conduct feasibility study including cost-benefit analysis and investment needed for peatland restoration and alternative economic scenario.
Current condition review and analyse the potential direct, indirect and cumulative impacts from the restoration activities. The potential impacts include the contribution of peatland restoration project to social and economic key development indicators (SDGs) including but not limited to economic growth, job creations, equality, poverty reductions, etc. Applicants are encouraged to provide the key indicators in the proposal.
Identify and Analyse the potential investment scheme for supporting peatland restoration including but not limited to governments budget and other budget such as village fund, green sukuk, carbon credit, direct private sector investment, potential public private partnership (PPP) investment.
Deliverable 2. Design of financing scheme and Institutional Strategy for implementing the peatland restoration project
The consultant will produce analysis and recommendations for development mix-funding scheme for supporting the restoration project including the institutional set up for implementing. The deliverable 3 might include following detail:
Identifying potential long-term financing for the restoration project including but not limited to national development funding, sub-national development funding, Green Sukuk, carbon credit, CSR, village fund.
Design and strategy to consolidate the potential long-term financing into project portfolios.
Analysis for effective Institutional design for effective restoration project implementation.
Sub-national stakeholder capacity building related but not limited to financing and potential funding for investment including sustainable economic development concept, and sustainable growth theory.
B. 2. West Papua
Together with the other consultant teams for Strategic for Environmental Assessment (SEA), Provincial Forest Management Plan (RKTP), PME livelihood and community development and CI West Papua Team, the selected consultant will support assessment and capacity building for producing regional economic development scenario based on West Papua Conservation Province Visions. The analysis will include developing optimum economic development scenario to address poverty and development inequality where at the same time applying optimum multiple use forest and land management on 82% sensitive area[1]. The deliverables for these tasks will include but not limited to:
Deliverable 1. Analysis and Recommendation – Technical analysis, Formulation of alternative economic options and draft recommendations
• Develop projection of business as usual scenario of the target indicators.
• Develop economic development scenario and investment strategy in related with sustainable development Province visions (Provinsi Konservasi) with considering spatial plan and sustainable uses of forest resources and PME scenario for timber suitability, agroforestry, recreation and road development, silvo-pasture, silvo-fisheries, non-timber forest products, biodiversity resources, etc.
• Formulate plans, recommendations, and policies to solve various economic problems and sustainability
• Streamline the economic development scenario with draft revision of spatial and land use plans (RTRW, Pola Ruang, RKTP, RZWP3K, RPHJP)
• Assess economic trade-offs between various mitigation and alternative strategies using relevant technical approach.
• Prioritize strategic issues to be assessed and addressed during the course of the SEA including PME conservation and management.
Deliverable 2. Design of financing scheme and Institutional Strategy for implementing the PME conservation
The consultant will produce analysis and recommendations for development mix-funding scheme for supporting the PME conservation project including the institutional set up for implementing. The deliverable 3 might include following detail:
• Identifying potential long-term financing for the restoration project including but not limited to national development funding, sub-national development funding, Green Sukuk, carbon credit, CSR, village fund.
• Design and strategy to consolidate the potential long-term financing into project portfolios.
• Analysis for effective Institutional design for effective restoration project implementation.
• Sub-national stakeholder capacity building related but not limited to financing and potential funding for investment including sustainable economic development concept, and sustainable growth theory.
[1] CII has identified priority areas for protection based on environmental sensitive area (ESA) assessment using multicriteria decision method (MCDM) of bio-physical and social factors. The assessment resulted almost 82% of around 8.2 million of the West Papua’ lands categorize as sensitive areas in terms of biophysical factors, HCV, HCS, and natural disaster.
The assignment will be accomplished with level of efforts 180 day works to the limit of November 2020. The Applicants are required to submit a more detailed indicative project timeline in the proposal that will achieve the milestones against targeted timeline.
The total budget is IDR 500,000,000 max (not including travel costs, personnel, events, other related costs).
E. REQUIREMENT: the firm/institution is required to submit:
a) Organization/Company Profile, including description of its Business Licenses & Historical Works.
b) Technical Proposal, containing:
i. Description of the Technical Approach
ii. Methodology
iii. Timeline of each milestone/deliverable.
iv. Budget Plan, including approximately number of travel and personnel and required workshop, FGD, and stakeholder meetings in the proposal. The budgets for the stakeholder engagement meetings and multi-stakeholder consultation workshops will need to be submitted for prior approval.
c) Qualification of Key Personnel/Team Members
Please send your Sealed Envelope containing Cover Letter along with documents required on Point E. REQUIREMENT above (in PDF) to:
HR Department / Program Department
Up. Bp. Akbar Elyuska / Bp. I Made Sanjaya
Conservation International Indonesia
Jl. Pejaten Barat No. 16 A, Kemang
Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12550.
Please fill the “subject” on the upper-left corner of envelope with this format:
<Eco-Dev> - <your firm/organization name>
Your Sealed Envelope must be received by us at 5.00 PM (Jakarta Time) by 10 May 2020 at the latest.
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified).
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