Request for Proposal
Capacity Building Training Program for Development Actors
in Southwest Sumba
Established in 2007, Southwest Sumba is one of the poorest districts in Eastern Indonesia with a population of 308.438 (2014 estimate), the highest compared to other districts on the island. The Southwest Sumba district faces an increasing number of poor, which was at 30.6% in 2017 according to Sumba Barat Daya Dalam Angka (2017). Southwest Sumba’s economy depends on agriculture activities that continue to face challenges from the local steppe climate (dry, semi-arid and little rain). The government of Southwest Sumba also faces significant challenges in delivering basic services in health and education and in providing access to infrastructure such as large-scale public systems, services, and facilities required for the district to facilitate commerce and other socio-economic activities.
In addressing these development challenges, local civil society organizations and development practitioners work hand-in-hand with local communities and the government. WLF has sought to understand the strengths and weaknesses of these collaborations by conducting a needs assessment with a primary focus on the capacity of local organizations and development practitioners. Following the results of the needs assessment, WLF sees a need for a capacity building program that will be open to development actors (organization/ individual) in Southwest Sumba.
WLF is seeking an implementing partner that has the technical skills and experience to deliver a capacity building training program for local development actors in Southwest Sumba. WLF hopes that the training program can strengthen the technical knowledge and skills of local development actors and lay the foundation for a more robust collaboration and partnership between civil society, community and the government in Southwest Sumba.
About WLF
The William and Lily Foundation (WLF) is a Jakarta-based philanthropic organization established in 2009. Our mission is to empower vulnerable and marginalized communities by bridging learning with access to opportunities. As an active grant-making foundation, we work closely with local implementation partners on four focus areas: Education, Health, Economic Empowerment and Enabling Environment.
Prospective implementing partner is expected to deliver a capacity building training program for development actors (organization/individual) in Southwest Sumba that follows the following framework:
Track A: Organizational Development
· Module 1: Organizational Management
o Strategic planning
o Visioning
o Impact and uptake including networking and partnership principles
· Module 2: Technical Management
o Project design and management
o Financial management and oversight
o Resource mobilization
· Module 3: HR Management
o Recruiting talent
o Talent retention
Track B: Individual Technical Skills
· Module 1: Communications
o Effective communications (5Ws and 2Hs)
o Effective writing (report, grant proposal, advocacy)
· Module 2: Facilitation
o Introduction to facilitation
o Effective facilitation
o Community organizing
o Advocacy
· Module 3: Monitoring and Evaluation
o Planning M&E System
o Implementing M&E System
o Knowledge management
o Learning
· Module 4: Data Collection and Analysis
o Introduction to social research
o Research design and methodology
o Data collection and analysis
o Data presentation/communicating evidence
Prospective implementing partner (organization/team of individuals) may choose to develop a training program based on:
i. Track A, all three modules, OR
ii. One or more modules for Track B:
Example: Organization XY proposes to develop and carry out Modules 1 and 2 in Track B but not Modules 3 and 4.
This training framework serves only as guidance – prospective implementing partners may suggest additional training modules or other modifications within the framework in their technical proposal. WLF will be open to discussions on developing and delivering the most effective capacity building program.
Prospective implementing partner(s) is expected to complete the capacity training program within the timeframe and submit the following deliverables:
1. Training plan and schedule – curriculum, agenda, expertise engaged, resources used, pre-and post- tests, etc.;
2. Delivery of the planned training program – attendance list, summary of training activities, etc.;
3. Training material – presentation, handouts, module, etc.;
4. End of program report.
WLF hopes that the results from these activities will strengthen the knowledge and skills of local development actors in their work to address development challenges.
This program is envisioned as a one (1) year training program consisting of up to six (6) months to deliver Track 1 followed by another up to six (6) months to deliver Track 2. The program is expected to start in late September 2020.
Selection Criteria
WLF is looking for experienced organization/ team of individual(s) with extensive knowledge of organizational development and relevant technical skills (see Scope). Prospective implementing partner is expected to have extensive experience in developing and delivering trainings/capacity building programs to a variety of participants in the development sector.
Candidates should also possess the following qualifications:
· For organizations: Minimum 3 year of experience in developing and delivering training/capacity building activities and programs, and/or;
· For individuals: Bachelor’s degree in social sciences, business management, organizational development, etc. (Master’s degree is preferred);
· A minimum of 3 years’ experience in organizational development, strategic planning, project management, HR management, communications, facilitations, monitoring and evaluation, research design and management, etc.;
· Experience in delivering training activities in Eastern Indonesia, knowledge of Sumba and particularly Southwest Sumba is ideal;
· Strong management, interpersonal, and communication skills with experience in engaging a variety of participants;
· Ability to handle tight timeline and prioritize;
· Ability and willingness to travel to Southwest Sumba.
How to Apply
1. Expression of Interests (EOI) – Applicants are required to submit Expression of Interest electronically in English or Indonesian which states (a) why applicant is interested, (b) organizational profile (if applicable), (c) CVs of key team members, (d) brief information on relevant past experience, and (e) point of contact (email address and phone numbers). Additionally, applicants may submit maximum 5 (five) questions for the Bidder Conference in their EOI. Expression of Interest must be submitted to before Sunday, 26 July 2020 at midnight Jakarta time.
2. Bidder Conference – After submitting Expression of Interest, applicants will be invited to attend Bidder’s conference that will take place in the first week of August. More information will be distributed through email addresses registered on the EOI.
3. Proposal Submission – Proposals (technical and financial) in English or Indonesia that include the following information should be submitted by Friday, 28 August at 5 pm Jakarta time via email to with the subject line: Proposal Capacity Training Program in SBD. The proposal should cover the following information:
a) General description of demonstrated capabilities to meet the terms of this Solicitation, your contact details (address and phone numbers), a short description of unique capabilities (skills, methodologies, or technical approach) typically employed for carrying out work as described in the “Approach and Deliverables” section, and a brief description of past performance with contact details of previous client;
b) A comprehensive technical proposal focusing on delivering the above-mentioned key activities and deliverables in Southwest Sumba. A comprehensive proposal for a capacity building training program, for one OR both tracks (Track 1: Organizational Development; Track 2: Individual Technical Skills), including rationale, strategy and approaches in delivering the training activities (online and offline - taking into consideration Covid-19 health protocols), relevant past experience and proposed criteria for training participants;
c) Most recent Curriculum Vitae of the organization and/or individual team members (key personnel involved) and details of staff composition with clear demonstration of previous experience in designing, developing, and delivering training program and/or activities;
d) Proposed work plan including timeline for key activities, milestones, and deliverables for the duration of the program;
e) A comprehensive financial proposal in Indonesian rupiah, including daily rate for team members or external consultants, budget allocation for activities, travel and accommodation, monitoring and evaluation activities, incidentals and other expenses, as well as proposed terms of payments/schedule.
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