April 15, 2014   

Jayapura, 14/4 (Jubi) – Papua Governor Lukas Enembe announced nine main programs  during a regional development and planning meeting.

This meeting was attended by director general of regional development, national development planning agency, Papua Assembly Council, Legislative Council, Forkompimda, university leaders,  regents, and the Jayapura mayor.
“It is an important meeting to get together with all stakeholders for Papua’s future,” Enembe said as he opened the meeting at the Governor’s office of Sasana Krida Jayapura, Papua on Monday (14/4).

He said this meeting was aimed at discussing development priorities and its challenges and also building collaborative work among stakeholders.
“Especially, Papua strategic development which would increased the quality of life of the people of Papua and the realization of the development that in line with government’s vision and mission,” he said.

The first priority includes reducing poverty, fulfilling basic needs, improving the accessibility and quality of compulsory education of nine years, improving healthcare through the Healthy Papua Card, construction and development of hospitals, appropriate housing and increasing food security.

The second is to increase the competitiveness of Papuans to welcome  the Asian Community 2015 and democracy by providing access and improving the quality of basic education of nine years and completed literacy, providing scholarship to higher education, skills training for job seekers, the development of people’s economy based on local wisdom and improvement in maternal and child health and improving public nutrition.

Third, economic empowerment leading to commodity-society based and an increase in investment, should be prioritized to encourage the availability of new reserves and increase in agricultural production based on local resources, capacity building of indigenous people in the management of forest resources, small and medium industries development on resource utilization, coaching small and medium industries in strengthening the industry cluster networks, economy development based on local knowledge.

Fourth, the development of remote/isolated areas and post-conflict areas to have access to educational services, improve health services, provision of basic infrastructure, clean water, housing, sanitation and electricity as well as reconciliation and rehabilitation of conflict areas.

Fifth, the acceleration of infrastructure development and connectivity between regions and areas. This will be prioritized in the construction of roads and bridges and improvement of air, land and sea transportation facilities.

Sixth, bureaucratic reform and governance will focus on the improvement of supervision function of governance evaluation both internal and external, to optimize the performance of provincial and regencies / city as well as the role of governors as representatives of the central government in the regions.

Seventh is to improve sports performance as well as arts and culture. Eight is to enhance peace and security and Ninth is to strengthen the implementation of the spatial environment and disaster management.
“These are  the main priorities which are in line to the government’s vision and mission. I would like to say a few things regarding the policies and programs of the year led the breakthrough in this province. Klement Tinal and I have done 20 most important things in leading the province, ” Enembe explained.

In the first year leadership, we have given our attention and focus on, first is the internal consolidation of the government. “We do communicate with the central government and we manage provincial unit, employment performance in the regencies and city level,” he added.

Second is reconciliation, which should get supported by the Papua police and the military command. ” We have to realize that we live in a democratic era where people are free to speak with his political ideology. Therefore, we build good communication to those who have different ideology with the state, “he said.

In addition, the Papua police and the Papua Military Command XVII of Cenderawasih also support the handling of various problems due to the elections or conflicts. The third is to map the existing problems and proper solutions to be done

The fourth is to set regulations on national and regional levels. “Again and again I reiterate that Papua needs an extensive authority to develop Papua. In this context we have redesigned Act 21 of 2001 to the Government. While, at the regional level we published provincial regulation (Perdasi) and Special regional regulation (Perdasus) and gubernatorial regulation in order to the development acceleration and social services, “he said..

He added it is not easy to lead Papua. The works cannot be accomplished in five years or not 100 days. “Therefore, what we have done and doing is to focus on building a foundation for the better future of the people of Papua,” he said. (Jubi /Alex/ Tina)
