CFP for Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities: Preventing Violent Extremism in Asia - Indonesia
Deadline: 15 April 2018
UN Women has announced a call for proposals for its “Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities: Preventing Violent Extremism in Asia – Indonesia”.
Taking especially into consideration the growing threat of violent extremism in Asia and the Pacific, including the increasing trend of domestic violent incidents, UN Women is seeking to expand its efforts in the area of prevention of radicalization and violent extremism through empowered women’s influence in building resilient communities. UN Women is integrating this focus on prevention of violent extremism with its ongoing women, peace and security priorities including conflict prevention, peacebuilding and National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security (NAPs-WPS).
UN Women will grant applications in the following areas:
Contribution to Output 1. Women, especially migrant women, have the capacity, resources and skills to promote social cohesion in communities at risks of radicalization
Area of work: Building resilience and promoting social cohesion in communities at risk of radicalization, focusing on vulnerable populations including female migrants.
Contribution to Output 2: Women’s groups and networks working on social cohesion and de-radicalization are able to influence and contribute to the development of gender-responsive policies on counter-radicalization
Area 2: Strengthening women’s groups and networks working on social cohesion and de-radicalization building their capacity to influence the development of gender-sensitive approaches to national policies and strategies to preventing and countering terrorism and violent extremism
Contribution to Output 3. New evidence and knowledge are generated and utilized with particular focus on understanding the incentives for joining violent extremism with particular focus on gender social norms underpinning these choices.
Area 3: Enhancing the evidence base and understanding on the gender specific push and pull factors that underpin decisions to join terrorist and violent extremist groups and utilize the knowledge to strengthen the role women in preventing violent extremism off and online.
The selected proposals are expected to start on 5 May 2018 and end on 25 March 2019.
Eligible Applicants
1. Type of organization: Indonesian CSOs including but not limited to: non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, advocacy networks.
2. Legal status: Must have legal status with the competent national authority. CSO Networks must have legal status Indonesia.
3. Gender equality focus: The applicant must demonstrate experience in implementing programmes on gender equality and/or women’s empowerment through an organizational profile and designated staff’s CV of past implementing experience and areas of expertise.
Important notes:
Transfer of funds by the Applicant Organization to UN Agencies, private sector entities, International NGOs and International Organizations will not be allowed.
UN Women will sign a partner agreement with and disburse funds to the selected applicant organization only.
Eligible organizations currently partnering with UN Women at country or regional level may apply for a grant under this call for proposals.
How to Apply
All proposals should be sent by email at the address given on the website.
Eligible Country: Indonesia
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