SDN 03 Tempoak is located in Ohak Hamlet, Tempoak Village in Menjalin Subdistrict, which is the westernmost point of Landak Subdistrict in West Kalimantan Province. There are two other public schools in the village: SDN 15 Betung Tanjung and SDN 20 Cagat.
Tempoak has been a target of KIAT Guru (Teacher Performance and Accountability) Pilot, which aims to improve education service delivery in remote villages by empowering communities and tying payment of the remote area allowance with either teacher presence or teacher service quality. The pilot is a collaboration between the
Ministry of Education and Culture, the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K), and governments of five districts with disadvantaged villages. Yayasan BaKTI implements the program with technical supports from the World Bank and funding from the Government of Australia and USAID.
The Pilot has not only helped reduce the absentee rate among teachers in the school, but it also managed to improve the students' academic achievements.
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